Friday, December 16, 2005

So Proud of Myself....Ho Ho Ho!

I am very proud of myself this Christmas…All bar one more gift for the most special little man in our lives, which we just have to pick up, I have just finished wrapping and put the last gift under the tree and all with 9 sleeps to go. Normally we are still out shopping Christmas Eve. But this year it is all done. I can’t believe it. I feel a lot better about Christmas this year than in past years, even though we are probably celebrating on our tightest budget yet. But to us Christmas is a time of celebration and getting together with loved ones, not about the $$$$ side of things.

Maybe it also has something to do with the most precious little thing in our lives, our 9 month old son, Ryan. I know he is too young to know what is going on and what all the fuss is about, but we wanted to celebrate this special time of year, and our first as a little family.

Having a new little man in our lives has seen us tighten the purse strings somewhat on every front. This year Michael and I set a budget, a sum total of what we were going to spend. Michael decided that he would save his overtime from work, and his money he earns from umpiring indoor cricket exclusively for Christmas. I can proudly say, that we have done well. We are both very happy with our purchases for our loved ones, and each other.

We sat down and drew up a list of what we wanted to get everyone, my Mum and Dad, my Brother and his Wife, and their new son, along with Michael’s Mum and his Brother. Although they told us not to get them anything (and to please respect their wishes), but to instead spend what we would’ve on Ryan. We compromised and bought two little identical gifts, one each from Ryan for them. We will put them in the post this weekend.

Ryan’s gift from Grandma Douthie arrived from Tasmania this morning too, so it has been safely wrapped and put under the tree along with the other gifts. This year I have had to put the tree up on the coffee table, so little Destroyer Douthie can’t redecorate it for us. And also to keep the gifts out of his tiny hands, we will let him have his fun with them Christmas Day.

Ryan’s first Christmas, I am so happy to be celebrating this joyous time of the year with the newest man, albeit little man, as he would have to be the most precious gift I have ever received, the gift of new life. A gift I was beginning to wonder if I would ever see…but with the gift of love from my darling husband, I have seen my dream of a being a Mummy come true. I don’t need anything else, as long as I have my family.

Merry Christmas to all who read my Blog….may the festive season bring you everything you dream of and wish for.

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