Monday, November 21, 2005

Tiny Tots, Tupperware & New Homes

What a mixed bag weekend it was. For me weekends start on Thursdays when I finish work. I am lucky enough to have Friday's off.

Every Thursday Ryan spends the day with his Nan & Pop, so to give me break from domestics, they also cook me tea/dinner (of some description). I never know what we are having but I never leave hungry. It is great, they love having him for a day, and they also knows that it helps us out with one days less child care fees. God bless my parents.

Friday was quite an unusual day for me, with Ryan only wanting to eat and sleep. I wasn't going to argue as somedays I struggle to get him to have naps. Not this time. Ryan was sleeping 2 1/2 hours at a time and only waking for a bit of a play, a bum change and another feed. I though this a little odd. As the day progressed, Ryan's temp kept going up aswell. Considering it wasn't a warm day, I thought this strange, and put it down to teething.

Friday night I went to my first ever (oh, I heard you gasp...don't sound so shocked) Tupperware Party. It was a lot of fun, hosted by a newish friend Sharon, whom I met through my girlfriend Allie. A girly evening was just what I needed. 3 of us chickens left from here, myself, Allie and Beck and along the way we picked up Leeanne. A car full of girls on the way to an girly evening.

Wow, Tupperware has become so modern from the stuff our Mothers have/had in their cupboards. It was all so new and so funky...and so expensive (sobs). I really would have loved to have purchased some new items, but with the budget being so tight at the moment.

I just had to be a watcher not a participater. But I still had a great night, enjoyed the company of some great girls, offered to road test Beck's T/W purchases for her and drooled over the views (or what we could see at night anyway) from Sharon's house...Sweetie, you know I am so jealous, nothing like stepping outside or onto the deck and being able to smell the sea air and salt bush. Funny part of the evening was trying to decided which recipes we each wanted to take home with us. Peter had like a file a fax recipe book being handed around for us to take one recipe each from. The girls thought it would be a great idea if we all got a different one, and then had a dinner party with them one night. YYUUMM.

Saturday was a pretty quiet day for us. I had my usual nail appt in the moring, with my dog, Dee, getting her hair(fur)cut in the afternoon. Still had a sick little boy that only wanted to sleep and eat. His temparature had seemed to have stayed stabled. Saturday night was a cosy night on the couch in front of the tellie.

Ryan had woken us twice during the night Saturday night/Sunday morning, and he is such a good sleeper normally, that I was starting to get concerned. His little body felt like it was on fire. His temp had gone through the roof. Made an appt at the local drop in/queue up doctors clinic round the corner. The wait wasn't too bad, only 20 mins. Turns out my precious little man was/is suffering from a bacterial infection in his throat. God I felt so bad, thinking I should have gotten him checked out sooner...blah, blah, blah, the usual beat up mothers give themselves (well I do anyway) when they feel like they have been a bad mother. Anyway we started on the antibiotics yesterday. A known side effect, diarrohea, poor little man.

Michael and I came to the realisation not long after Ryan was born, although I think we knew in our hearts and heads when we bought our home, that one day we would outgrow it. It has been great for the 3 of us, but will be quite cosy for 4, not to mention no back yard for our childrens to grow up and play in. We have been looking for real estate that has 3 b/rooms and study/family room or 4 bedrooms, and a good size block for Ryan and any brothers or sisters that may come his way.

I stumbled across a home while driving to Mum and Dad's Thursday night,so Sunday afternoon Michael and I attended an open inspection. We all fell in love with it, Mum and Dad too. It had that feeling about it, like 'I WAS HOME'...which is the same feeling I had when I first walked into the home I am currently living in. Although I only found it Thursday, it has been on the market 3 weeks,and offers have to be submitted by Wednesday night. Not really enough time to organise anything (or so I thought)

We can only pick 3 faults with this house and they are all reasonably minor, a) no linen press, b) the garage (not the carport, which is the first part of the garage) has no doors on it, they have set it up for entertaining, which is perfect in it's own way too, c) electric hws (in the roof) and electric stove/oven. It is a great size block, the family room although tiny is very cosy, and I felt real comfy sitting in it yesterday. Bedrooms are good sizes and the little sunroom/family room is adorable. Perfect size for a t.v, sewing machine and computer, which is what we wanted. 3 bedrooms and somewhere for the previous mentioned items.

We are having the agent come out and do a quick appraisal on ours tomorrow night,and I have spoken to my mortgage broker and he has told me things can be done in a week. It is scary and exciting. I can't go any further without getting what I need for this place first, but also having the vendor of the property we are interested in accept our offer, they sort of go hand in glove.

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