Monday, September 29, 2003

Our Big Day - Strike a Pose!

After we had done the official family photos we started with the creative ones.

This was fun, especially when the two little girls and I got to go and feed the ducks. It mean hitching up the dresses and stepping across a cobblestone footbridge.

We played with the Mustangs and had a ball, even had our driver smoking up the rear end of the car the Michael and I were in over and over again, purely for photographical purposes (of course). I think Ian's words (our driver) were 'You don't have to ask me twice'. Quite a revhead. We even got the old 'Grease' shot, sitting in the front looking back over our shoulders. Only difference here was I was the one behind the wheel.

Unfortunately we didn't get to Woodville Bowl. This was due to the fact that one of my cars was 3/4's hour late, that and the fact that the weather was starting to turn a little bad. Although the few showers that we crossed paths with on the way to Grange Beach were just that.

I think we had about 1 1/2 hours at the beach, it was sunny, it was rainy, we had lightning and we had rainbows. What more could we have asked for? Most memorable moment on the way to the beach, the left hand drive Mustang cutting it too fine against the roundabout and loosing a wheel rim. Neatly caught and picked up by our ducatti escourt, Craig.

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