Monday, September 29, 2003

Our Big Day - Getting Ready....

I breathed a sigh of relief when we pulled up at home and the photographer hadn't arrived yet. This I didn't mind, gave me a few moments to breathe although Mum and Dad's was a hive of activity. Walk in the front door, our videographer, Carl, was on time though, d'oh.

Our flowers were sitting on Mum and Dad's kitchen table. My GOD they were so beautiful, and so vibrant. I think my bouquet (which is now down at my florists ready to be preserved, along with one of my bridesmaids bouquets to be preserved around our marriage certificate) was about 60cm or so in length. There were even two little collars of flowers for my two beautiful little dogs.

I made sure that all the girls were dressed first, so at least the photographer had something to work with. Can't remember what time Debra arrived, but it seemed to be just as I was wanting to get dressed. Getting dressed was put on hold as Debra wanted to use my lingerie and jewellery for some still life shots.

I used this time to go out and droool over the first of my cars to arrive. The interesting thing was that I didn't feel nervous about the impending afternoon, but as soon as my second car arrived and they sat there revving the engines I cried, I love my cars and the sound they made was just heaven. Enough drooling, back inside to get dressed. I was pretty quick to dress, but need to fake getting dressed for the photographer and videographer. I am sure we have picked up some really candid and beautiful moments. More so because the bridesmaid that Debra picked to help me pose for photos was Cec, my FSIL. So this was a very special time for us. We used Mum and Dad's purpose built sunroom and pergola for the rest of the photos.

My puppies arrived at the ceremony by Jag no less, and were there waiting my arrival.

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