Thursday, October 13, 2005

Steak And (Ryan's) Kidneys

Well we have just gotten in from our appt with Professor Tan at the Women's and Children's Hospital where we have been having regular check ups on Ryan's little kidneys.

At 19 weeks gestation it was found that Ryan's had dialation (narrowing) of both the left and right Renal Pelves (tube that runs between the kidney and the bladder). Not an uncommon occurence in babies, but nonetheless something that needed to be monitored.

A scan again at 28 weeks showed that the right pelve was infact correcting itself, however the left one wasn't. Scans were done again when Ryan was 5 days old. Not a lot had changed. Right pelve improving, left still lagging behind. So we have been having scans and tests done every few months to track progess. The lasts tests that were done had shown a slight detioration in the left kidney, still pretty meaty, but retaining a little fluid.

Ryan is now 7 1/2 months old and we our last lot of tests done last week and yesterday with our specialist appt with Professor Hock this morning. A catheter test showed that Ryan isn't suffering from any urinary reflex (YAY), although a NMAG (nuclear dye test) done yesterday showed that Ryan's left kidney isn't working quite as much as the right. In a perfect world the kidneys should be sharing the load 50/50...Ryan's left kidney is functioning at 49% with the right at 51%, this is within norm and we along with his specialist are not too concerned. It is just a matter of keeping an eye on things and seeing how they develop (or not). So in 6 months time we go back for another ultrasound and a check up.

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