Saturday, January 07, 2006

You've Got To Be Joking....

AAAGGGHHHHH......How many times can one family be so unlucky?

Thursday night I get a phone call from Michael at work asking if I had moved or taken his car home? The first words out of my mouth 'You're ****cking joking?'

Yep for the third time, we have had a car stolen, although this is the second time this particular car has gone for a drive without us behind the wheel.

We have reported it to all the relevant authorities, now we just have to sit back and wait. Ah, the 2WW, a bit like waiting to do that first pregnancy test really. It is the longest two weeks.

Good thing is , the fuel tank was near on empty when they took it, and the transmission was playing up. So unless they were smart little (or big) thieves and filled the tank I don't think they'll get far.

We found out it was taken between the hours of 5:30pm and 7:10pm, pity we didn't know about this last night, would have given the cops a little more to work with. Ah well, back to being a single car family for awhile.

We had thought about taking the loan car on our ins. policy , but if our car is returned and usuable, we will have to pay back the loan car, can't afford that , let alone paying the excess.

I am glad our inconvenience and suffering is allowing someone else the mobility and freedom they quite obviously desire....NOT.

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