Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Prodigal Car has Returned....

At 2:15am this morning the phone rang. Such a bizarre time for the phone to ring. I was quick to get to the phone, not incase there was something majoriy wrong as is normal with a phone call at that time of the morning, unless of course it is your drunk brother ringing to tell you he loves you (isn't that sweet), but so that it wouldn't wake Ryan.

It was the police, letting us know that our car had been found relatively unscathed...thank god, like we have the $$$$ to fork out on the stupid thing anyway.

Seems like someone has just borrowed it to get to where they wanted to go. We had to go and pick up a distributor lead from the local police station and then we where on our way again.

Let me tell you, as hard as it is going to be to be able to repair the minor damage and also a new rear tyre, it is going to be a helluva lot easier that trying to refinance a new car. But the great news is that the baby seat was still in the back. YAY! Unlike last time when they took everything.

Although we didn't want it back, I am so glad it is. It being found and in one piece has to be alot easier on the wallet than not!

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