Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Half Way Through The Journey....

Well little Bump we are half way through this journey that is pregnancy.

How am I feeling? Well still pretty good I must admit. My weight had only just risen, and not by much either. At the moment I am 70kgs. Only a 1kg increase in 2 months. I seem to be well over the tiredness I was feeling.

I am still getting a touch of sciatica every now and then too, although the pain seems to more intense and last a little longer each time.

Sometimes I feel so hungry and that I could eat everything in sight, and then other days all I can manage is a mouthful. Strange, huh.

I am still not craving anything yet, although I am craving to be able to feel you inside of me.

Oh yeah, I now have a pregnant bump. You can actually tell that Mummy is pregnant, and that you are there.

Daddy and I got to see on you again on Saturday morning (16th October, 2004) as Mummy had to have another scan, just to make sure everything was fine an that you were growing nice and strong.

You are such a little wriggle pot already, I can only wonder what you will be like when we bring you home.

It was funny, we could see you wriggling and squirming around inside, but I haven't been able to feel you from within yet. This is because you are sitting right up against Mummy's back. We are hoping that in time you will move more towards Mummy's tummy. But only time will tell.

Please move for Mummy little Bump, as she would feel very upset, and robbed of one of the most beautiful parts of pregnancy, being able to feel her little person from within.

Mummy and Daddy love you very much Bump, and look forward to being able to see you again, or maybe even feel you for the first time. Love you always Bump Mummy & Daddy

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

I Know Who You Are....

Ok, it is actually 17 weeks and 5 days...

Still feeling good, although think I have been getting a touch of sciatica through my left thigh. My weight has remained fairly stable, still only 68.5kgs. But am finding that my pants are starting to get a little uncomfortable around my thickened waist, and the lovely symptoms of a runny/blocked nose, not unlike hayfever and sinus. Ah, the little things they don't tell you about.

Had an Ob's appt on the 28th September, just a routine check up. No test results were back as yet. My Blood pressure was up a little from the first visit. First visit was 120/40, on the 28th it was 130/40 (I guess this could possibly be due to the stress of waiting on the Downs results). I am still not feeling pregnant, and am not looking pregnant (in my eyes) although my Ob says there is a slight bump there.

Bumps little heart was beating away so nicely in there. It felt good being able to hear that my baby, our baby was still with us.

In my last entry I wrote about having to have an amnio done as the bloods tests for Downs Syndrome came back extremely high.

After taking it easy for the 5 days following the test we recieved the best news any expectant parents could hope for on the 1st October, our baby showed no abnormalities what so ever.

We do however know the sex of our little prince/princess, but am not going to reveal it in this diary, as we never know who may be reading (sorry guys).

Well little Bump, what has been happening in the outside world, while you have been hiding within.

Mummy and Daddy have been having a little bit or work done around the house, but Mummy's favourite bit is her new garden that she gets in a couple of weeks time (17th Oct 2004). You are going to have the most gorgeous garden to play in when you are old enough, and the cutest picket fence for you to peer through.

You went to your first football game yesterday at Adelaide Oval, I don't know if you enjoyed it or not, but I know that Mummy and Daddy did. Daddy wants to buy you your own picket at Adelaide Oval.

Now that we know who you are we can start preparing for your arrival. Painting your little space, buying your nursery furniture, and buying the cutest of clothes. Wondering what sports or interests you are going to have, who you are going to look like. I really hope you have your Daddy's dark complexion and thick hair, although I would hope that there is a little of me in there somewhere.

Be good in there my little Bump although maybe you could let me know that your in there.

For now our little prince/princess I will say goodnight and let you know that Mummy and Daddy love you very much and can't wait to see you again when Mummy has more pictures taken of her tummy on the 16th Ocober.

Love and Tummy Rubs Mummy and Daddy