Thursday, April 20, 2006

Easter 2006 - Our First Family Holiday...

For those of you that didn't know Michael, Ryan and I went to Mount Gambier as I have family down there. This was our first driving holiday and our first family holiday. After plans of leaving at 0900 Friday morning we ended up getting out the house at about 1010 so that wasn't too bad.

Stopped and filled up the tank at Glen Osmond and then motored on to Tailem Bend. Ryan was such a good boy. He slept all the way from Wayville to Tailem Bend where we woke up for morning tea and a bottle, and we got out and had some lunch. So we stopped there about 3/4's hour which was a nice break. I drove the first stint. Back in the car and heading to Keith. Michael did this stint and it was his first really experience with country driving, and at speed while having to negotiate disgusting weather. He did really well, with a little bit of coaching from the front passenger seat.

Stopped at Keith for a 10 minute toilet break and then onto Narracorte. Michael felt he could continue so he drove onto Narracorte. Ryan fell asleep 1/2 between Tailem Bend and Keith and didn't wake again until we pulled into Narracorte. I did the last stint from Nara to the Mount and almost out to Carpenter Rocks. We got into the Mount about 1700. It would have been a quicker drive, but now there are three of us to think about, but it was lovely though.

My Uncle and his wife have quite a good size property that they are renting at the moment. They are building a little futher out of town at a place called Glencoe. When we pulled up there was a hot fresh pot of Potato and Leek soup on the oven and an freshly baked apple pie, and Dona also cooked up Thai Green Chicken. Not to mention the Fruit Cake, Butter Biscuits and Fruit Cake that she had made and put in the pantry for us, incase we got hungry in the middle of the night.

Saturday we leftt the house around 0945 and spent most of the day on the road getting home about 1700. We went down drove past the Blue Lake and then onto the Saturday Markets (produce, craft, homemade yummies etc...). We stopped for a good look at the Lake on the way down to Port Macdonald for a Seafood lunch....yuum. Then drove to Port North Cumberland. Headed over the border to Nelson, so Ryan had his first taste of Victoria..and yes we did the standing under the border signs. I did all the driving this day, so about another 250 - 300kms.

Saturday night was BBQ night....Mmmm Mmmm. After tea we went to Umpherston Sink Hole where you can feed the possums at night. Such a beautiful garden there too and we were lucky enough to feed possums. They are so cute, if not a little on the tubby side and in need of Jenny Craig, but when you are getting free meals everynight wouldn'y you look like that.

Sunday was sleep in morning while the others went to church. We met them in town around 1230 for lunch and then headed out to Glencoe to look at the new property. It is so lovely out there, can't wait to go back once the new house is built. Finally started heading towards Adelaide around 1500. I drove from the Mount to Narracorte while Ryan slept from Glencoe to Naracorte. Again we stopped at Narracorte. Ryan was due for a feed then anyway so it worked well. Michael drove from Narracorte to Tailem Bend. Stopped at Keith to let Ryan get out and have a run around and look at the birds and the final stop at Tailem Bend for us to have tea and Ryan to have his. I think we walked in the door around 2145 Sunday night.

Monday was a rest day, sort of. I was raining and miserable, but we wanted to go out to a car yard and have alook at a car we were interested in, aswell as heading in the IGA in Gilbert Street to do some grocery shopping. Then it was home to do the washing. We rearranged the lounge so that Ryan's playpen was no longer infront of the wall furnance, and by that time Mum and Dad dropped in with our dog whom they had been puppy sitting.

So there you have it our Easter Weekend.


miss nomer said...

Sounds like you have a fun adventurous trip. I love road trips and seeing our beautiful country. I especially love going down the south east of SA where I lived when I was little. Naracoorte, the town of my birth. ;) Love the umpherston sinkhole have pics of it on my blog from our honeymoon. I am glad you have blogged again I was beginning to think you had deserted it. :D

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