Thursday, July 01, 2004

The Waiting Game Begins....

To our yet to be conceived little Prince/Princess (or maybe you are nestled away safely within sharing my thoughts and I just don't know it yet)...

Mummy and Daddy want you to know that we are doing everything possible to bring you into our lives....our special little evenings (13th/15th) filled with so much love where everything was focused on creating you have now passed..the wait begins.

Today sees us with only 3 more sleeps before I HPT (and hope that your Auntie Flo doesn't come for a holiday) has been such an anxious 2 week for me, I think it would only get worse the more cycles you had to test...although Daddy is taking a wait and see approach...

I am getting impatient and wanting to test NOW! But I know all good things come to those who wait...

Love Mummy and Daddy


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