Tuesday, February 06, 2007

He's Growing Up

We introduced Ryan to a pillow about 3 weeks ago now. My little boy is growing up. I wanted him to have something familiar when we finally introduce him to his big boy bed. So I thought his first pillow would be a good start.

Didn't really know how he would go, but he has been fine. If anything I think he might be sleeping a little sounder through night. He lays his head on it, and then pulls Tigger in under one arm and Chuckie under the other. I give him a kiss and a hug and say 'I love you' and then he says pillow Mummy', so I put him in his cot. I usually walk out the room saying 'Good night, sleep tight' and little Sir Echo lifts his head off the pillow and repeats it back to me.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Happy Australia Day

Happy Australia Day to us all!

Yesterday we celebrated with gorgeous friends and their little boy (9 months old) with a good old fashion bbq and a swim in the pool. But this was a little more memorable. It was the first time Ryan had been anywhere near a swimming pool, let alone in it.

After lunch we all went for dip in the pool. At first I sat on the top step with Ryan on my lap, just so the water could tickle his feet. He as ok with this, so I started splashing it with one hand. Of course he tried the same thing and was getting himself in the face...so cute. He was enjoying this a lot. So I moved down another step, with the water now just coming up to his belly. He was a little unsure at first, but soon got into the splashing and now kicking too.

I took the next step a little too soon, and walked out into the middle of the pool, Ryan felt a little unsure of this, and was letting everyone know. That was ok, I understood, it was his first time afterall. We sat back on the step for a little while longer. I tried again about 10 mins later. Everyone else was out in the middle of the pool. This time we were playing splash Daddy and Graeme. He was really enjoying it, and having them splash back too. It was great having Jacob in the pool too, as this showed Ryan there was nothing too be scared off, especially as Jacob is a lot younger, but then he also has everyday access to the pool too.

By the end of the afternoon Ryan was absolutely loving the pool. You would not have known he hadn't been in one before. He didnt even mind being dunked underwater either, which I was really suprised about. I would make him look at me, count to three and then blow in his face to make him hold his breathe and dunk him. He didnt even seem to care about holding his breathe and was happy to be dunked. He would just come up laughing and spitting the water out and brushing it off his face. I think the fact the pool was a salt water pool made a huge difference. Oh and did I mention it was a lovely 31 degrees in the water.

Poor little man, the minute he got out of the pool he was convulsing with the cold, but of course he was too busy running around to let me dry him. It was about 27 degrees in the sun, but with a breeze. At least I managed to get his wet clothes off him. Finally got him dry, but then he decided he wanted to do laps around the outside of the pool nudie, cos Daddy was still in the pool. Looked really cute.

We had a fantastic day, and were so proud of Ryan. The poor little thing he was crashed out by 7:30pm, bedtime isn't til at least 8:00pm. He slept in the next morning and had a massive 2 1/2 hour sleep the next day.

Mummy and Daddy love you Ryan, and we are both so proud of you....MWAH!