Monday, May 31, 2004

A Diary to my Unborn

Wow, my first diary entry....

For those who don't know me, I'm Tanya (33 1/2). I met my now DH, Michael (30) 3 1/2 years ago.

Together we bought our first home in January 02, got engaged in February 02 and committed ourselves to each in September 03. We have been married now for 8 months.
We are now ready for and feel the time has now come in both our lives to bring a special little person into our lives, be it a little prince or princess. We want to create our own little dynasty....

So as of last night (Saturday 29/05/2004) we are contraceptive free....WOOHOO. I am due for AF's on Tuesday 1st June(spotting)/Wednesday 2nd June(Red)....which will make that special little point in time the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th June...

I actually can't believe that I am no longer on it after 12 years. I get butterflies just thinking about it, excited butterflies though, and Michael has been counting down the days since we had decided I would come off it.

I want to keep this diary for you, our precious little (yet to be concieved) Prince/Princess, to let you know how just how much Mummy and Daddy love you and look forward to making you a part of our lives for 9 months and then finally getting to meet you and hold you in our arms......

Til then our Prince/Princess.....

All Our Love Mummy & Daddy