Saturday, September 25, 2004

Life at 16 Weeks

Week 16 of this amazing journey.

How am I feeling in myself....pretty good actually.

My tiredness seems to be appetite is still reasonably healthy. I am finding that is isn't taking much to fill me up meal wise, but I am looking to eat more often. My weight has remained fairly stable at 67kgs. I guess the weight gain will come soon enough.

You know the 'if you don't hear from us' phone call....well I actually got that phone call on the 6th September, 2004.

As far as my baby being a downs baby went my aged related risk was 1 in 700 (which was really good), well my bloods come back today and with the scan I now have a 1 in 34 chance of carrying a downs baby.

Now I know that still mean I have a 97% chance of carrying a normal baby, but the fact that my OB has tentatively already made an appt for me scares the hell out of me...I had a feeling something wasn't quite right when I read the report with the scan...

What causes Down syndrome???

The events that cause Down syndrome occur before conception and lead to a fertilised egg with an abnormal number of chromosomes in each cell - 47 rather than the normal 46.

Well Wednesday (22nd September) afternoon we had another albeit brief encounter with this little person within...due to an increased risk of Bump having downs we decided to go ahead and have an Amnio down. This would confirm for us whether I was carrying a downs baby ot not, and would also allow us to find out the sex of our unborn. According to my OB, Julie everything went well, we just have about 6 - 7 days left to await results.

After the amnio was done the sonographer let us spend a little time with Bump. My, how he/she has grown and very inquisitive and still a wriggle worm.

It was actually very comforting to know the Bump is still around and kicking (although I have yet to experience those little 'flutter's). Only being 16 weeks I am still not feeling pregnant, so it was very precious to be able to see that our little Bump is ok.

In just over a week or so we will know if there a little leading lady or man joining us....CAN'T WAIT....and then again (everything going well) in the next 4 weeks will get to meet our little prince or princess again.