Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Children can say the most beautiful things, there are so innocent yet so truthful...

Last night I took home some flowers I had received at work, celebrating my 1 year anniversary of being there....the first thing my 4 year old said was Mummy are they your flowers, why did you get them....after explaining he turns around and says Mummy your flowers are very beautiful.

This morning he looks out the window at the sunrise, Mummy it's foggy outside but the sunrise is beautiful. It is so warming to hear these things out of the mouths of babes. I try to bring my children up to appreciate everthing, especially nature.

There have been many occassion my 4 year old tells me things are beautiful. We can be laying on his bed having hugs and kisses and he will say, Mummy your hair smells beautiful, or Mummy your bracelet is beautiful. I have put make up on to go out and he says Mummy your eyes look beautiful. I really makes me melt to hear him say these things.

My only wish is that he never looses that quality for appreciating the little things in life.

I love you very much Master Ryan, you will always be BEAUTIFUL....

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Arrival of Audrey-Olivia - 13/11/2007

About midday, Monday 12th, I suffered the most excruciating cramping I had ever felt in my life. Strange thing was it was only down one half of my stomach. You could have vertically sliced my stomach in half, that is how isolated the cramp was. This cramp saw me breathing while leaning over the kitchen table, with Master R hugging my leg asking “are you are ok Mummy?”, it was so sweet. He was so concerned. He knew something wasn’t quite right. I ended up seeking refuge on toilet, it seemed the only place I could get comfortable (don’t know what it is about toilets). By this time I was in tears, real tears of pain, I couldn’t sit up straight, let alone anything else. All I wanted to do was lay on the bed.

I somehow made it back to the bedroom, and asked Master R to be a good boy and lay with me. He was so concerned; he curled up right next to me hugging my arm, again asking “Mummy are you ok?” I tried to explain that it was Audrey making Mummy feel a bit sick, and that it wouldn’t be long and he would be meeting his little sister. He understood. The cramping lasted 45 mins. Just one long cramp. No let up all. It felt like it lasted for ever, and then I was left with that residual cramp feeling you get, like when you have had really bad cramp in your legs. I rang M at work to tell him what a loving caring little man we had, and how special he was and how proud I was off him. M wanted me to ring the hospital, even if only to chat with the midwives. But I insisted I wanted to wait and just see what happened.

Mum and Dad popped in to see Master R and I not long after the cramping had eased off. I was trying to get some lunch together for the 2 of us, when this cramp came on again. Mum could see something was wrong, although I was trying to be brave and not show how much pain I was in. I ended telling what had happened just before she got there. So it was only 20 mins after the 1st cramp had eased that it was happening again, this time it wasn’t as severe, but still enough to bring tears to my eyes. I ended up ringing WCH and asking for my Wendy. She was with a patient and would have to call me back. She did about an hour or so later. I described what I had been feeling, and she suggested that I pop into WAS just for a check up and that they would let her know once I had arrived.

Dad had a Dr’s appt in the city, and M was at work, and we still had Master R running around the house. I rang M to let him know what was going on. We put Dad in a taxi to get to his appt, and then Mum went and picked M up from work, as I had the car. She then took Master R with her to pick Dad up while M and I went to the hospital. We got the hospital about 3:30pm. I didn’t have to wait too long before I was sent in to have obs and a trace done. Audrey’s heart beat was really racey, even I could tell that, so they monitored her for an hour or so. Once Wendy had arrived she did an internal (I was in fact due to have an appt with Wendy on the Wednesday 14th anyway, where she was going to do an internal anyway) to reveal I was already 3 – 4 cms dilated.

Wow, I was so blown away by this. We both were. In the time we had been up there I only had 2 – 3 more contractions. Nothing I couldn’t handle by just breathing and rocking through them, certainly nothing like what had happened earlier in the day. We were given the option of heading out for a while, grabbing some tea and then going for a stroll through the parklands to see if things moved a long at all. We decided we would grab something to eat and go for a walk, hell, I had deliberately done sooo much walking in the 4 days prior a little more wasn’t going to hurt. We headed back into WAS about 9:00pm, and told them we would head home for the evening and try and get some good sleep.

My bags were all but packed by the Sunday night, but we made sure that everything was in place just in case. Master R was having a sleep over at Nan and Poppies as we had no idea what was going on or going to happen, and we really didn’t want to disturb him, by bringing him home, or Mum and Dad having to come down in the middle of the night. I think we got to bed around 11:00pm.

I woke to go to the toilet around 1:30am only to be greeted by slightly blood tinged mucous, there wasn’t a lot, so I didn’t really worry any more about it. I had been losing my plug for about a week anyway, but that was the first real sign of any colour. Back to bed and don’t’ remember a thing, until I woke again for a toilet stop at 3:20am. More plug but no colour in it. I must have dozed again until 4:15am, but then woke and couldn’t go back to sleep, so I got up and read the previous day’s paper. Was evening thinking about making of all things, scrambled eggs, not like me? One thing I do remember is how beautiful the family of Magpies sounded outside out front window. 4:45am another loo stop, this time a lot more plug and more blood. Woohoo this was promising. I headed back to bed at 4:50am, but lay awake until 5:15am.

Next time I saw the clock it was 6:50am. I woke with that same cramping feeling down the LHS of my stomach again. These then turned into all over 3 – 5 min apart contractions, which lasted an hour. Still nothing more than what breathing couldn’t get me through. We were undecided as to how we were going to handle the day, so we showered, had some breakfast, then we rang the hospital to let them know we were coming in and of what had been happening. We got to the hospital about 9:00am, with me having about 5 little contractions on the way up there. Once we got there the midwives did another trace on Audrey and monitored any contractions I may be having. I had another 4 in the time the trace was on, but nothing I couldn’t get through. They had rung Wendy but she was in surgery as was not going to be down to see me until about 11:30am. So after we grabbed something to eat and then went for walk around the hospital, and then out into the Brougham Place gardens. More gentle walking with a few little inclines, and declines on the way back.

We headed back to assessment around 11:30am. I had another 4 – 5 contractions in the time we were waiting for Wendy to come down and and reassess me. M and I discussed the option of having my waters broken, as I knew this was something Wendy may suggest, seeing as I presented the afternoon before also. By the time she got in to see me we had made our decision, and the rest was up to her. She did another internal. Still only 3 – 4 cms dilated. She gave us the option again of going home or seeing as it was my second trip up there in just over 12 hours of admitting me and breaking my waters. We had told her we had discussed having my waters broken, and were more than happy to choose that option. My waters were to be broken around 2pm. Decision having been made, Wendy organised a room for me up in the delivery suite. All were busy, so we had to wait until 12:30pm before heading up stairs.

By 1pm, we had been shown to our suite and met our lovely Midwife Sue. I had another handful of contractions while up there and being shown everything in the room etc, rocking and breathing was still enough to get me through them. Sue wanted to do another trace, which was routine for being admitted to delivery. The worst part was having to lie on my back. I told them this was near impossible, but did it so she could do her thing. I couldn’t wait to get off the bed. Once off the bed OMG, the CONTRACTIONS! This is what they classed true labour.
This time they were a lot more intense than the others I had experienced. They had me doubled over the hand basin in the bathroom or on my knees leaning into the bed, and moaning like I couldn’t believe. I could really feel myself squatting into them, and having the urgency to want to push. My waters still hadn’t broken at that stage. I swear I could feel something there. The contractions kept coming, and remained about the same intense level. Wendy popped back in to see me and how I was settling. And could hear the difference in me in just ½ hour. But said she would be back to break my waters a bit later. Another Midwife Brianne had come in to say hello. It was her first ever shift in delivery (after having worked down in the nursery), so had another Midwife Cathy with her showing her around and what was what. They were all so lovely.

OK, contractions starting to peak even more, I was really squatting into each contraction and arching my back, moaning as they became more intense. I had only just started to feel like I was losing it, and that I wasn’t going to be able to get through it. I had gotten to this point without any drugs. I was really starting to scream I HAVE TO PUSH, with every contraction that came along, but the midwives were doing their best to get me through without pushing, as they didn’t think it was time. GAWD I think I knew my own body. So I tried breathing through the contractions yet again. The moaning went up a level as did the pain, and the threshold lowered. Wendy had only just left the room and could hear what I was going through and came back in, saying, ‘They are the sort of sounds we like to hear’. ‘Gee, thanks’, I retorted, not having lost my sense of humour. We decided we would try an epi-cocktail, I had talked about this with Wendy many times. I so wanted to be in as much control over my body as I could, but without the pain, and feel when to do things for myself. Another internal was done just before administering the epi, which found me to be 6cm dilated.

Getting me back up on the bed was the next thing, the contractions were not letting up at all know. I still swore I could feel her head. The epi was fully prepped, as was my back before they even tried to administer it, it was almost impossible for me to sit still. The midwives started prepping the epi, with the anesthetist on her way. Sitting up for the epi was near impossible, but I managed, all the time feeling like I was sitting on Audrey, and yet having the urgency to push. I felt a slight trickle, and the OMG the gush of fluid and blood, the urgency of wanting to push, and Audrey’s head being where it was, was enough to break my waters. Wendy did another internal after my waters had broken. She gladly announced she could feel Audrey’s head, and if I felt like pushing I could as it was time. ‘See I told you I was sitting on her’, keeping my sense of humour the whole time.

I took the gas maybe 3 times until the epi kicked in, by that time I was nice and relaxed, kinda sleepy. I remember hearing voices, but like I was removed from them. Wendy at one stage came right up to me letting me know she was there. We had spoken with Wendy about M delivering Miss Audrey, like he did with Master R. My previous Ob called M down once Master R’s head had been delivered. Wendy had a different approach. She called M down to be with her as just before Audrey crowned. I had been holding his hand for strength until that point. I remember grabbing out for someone to hold my hand. I said is that you Sue, (my original Midwife) but it was Liz the anesthetist. I didn’t mind. It was a comfort thing.

I had never felt to in control as I did at that point. I could feel by body and I could feel what it was doing, but there was no pain it was great. I knew when to push and felt every contraction. Wendy coached me through the first contraction, but after that she could see I was in total control, so stepped back and let me do it all myself. I knew when to push and would bear down as long as I could each time, sometime as long as 20 secs. A quick breathe and then I would go again. If I felt I wanted to stop for a moment I could. I truly couldn’t believe my body. This is what I missed the first time with Master R, as I had a full epi and couldn’t feel a thing from the waist down. 2 more pushes and I had to stop to let Audrey turn. 1 more push and at 2:30pm I heard the most amazing sound, the sound of her little cry. I still remember it, then shedding tears myself. I don’t know if anyone saw them, but I was so happy, that I had bought this little life into the world, she was healthy and I did it all myself, unassisted. Keeping my sense of humour the whole time.

Audrey was born with her hand against her cheek, which is why I need stitches, little ratbag. Had she have come out with her hands down it would have been the perfect delivery. As I delivered lying on my side it was a bit hard for them to give her to me for the first cuddle, so instead M cut the cord and held her for a while. Once I had rolled onto my back and was a little more comfortable my princess was handed to me. Gawd she was so beautiful, even more than I had imagined. And hair, she had a lovely shock of black hair, that had a little sticky uppy Mohawk.

The joke with Wendy had always been that Audrey would be born with a mass of hair due to the intense heartburn/indigestion I had suffered throughout my whole pregnancy. As Audrey crowned, M announced ‘She has HAIR’…I was like OMG are you joking, and Wendy replied, ‘Nope a beautiful shock of black hair’. This got laughed at a lot, but in the end I got my dark haired beauty.

Long Time No See Old Friend

Well, well, has been a long time since I have blogged here. I had forgotten about having this blog, and found it again while creating a new blog for my photography.

I guess being a full time working mum to two gorgeous children leaves little time to blog, but I am going to try and keep you all up with what goes on in my little piece of space.

Now that that I have found you old friend I will try to keep in touch.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

He's Growing Up

We introduced Ryan to a pillow about 3 weeks ago now. My little boy is growing up. I wanted him to have something familiar when we finally introduce him to his big boy bed. So I thought his first pillow would be a good start.

Didn't really know how he would go, but he has been fine. If anything I think he might be sleeping a little sounder through night. He lays his head on it, and then pulls Tigger in under one arm and Chuckie under the other. I give him a kiss and a hug and say 'I love you' and then he says pillow Mummy', so I put him in his cot. I usually walk out the room saying 'Good night, sleep tight' and little Sir Echo lifts his head off the pillow and repeats it back to me.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Happy Australia Day

Happy Australia Day to us all!

Yesterday we celebrated with gorgeous friends and their little boy (9 months old) with a good old fashion bbq and a swim in the pool. But this was a little more memorable. It was the first time Ryan had been anywhere near a swimming pool, let alone in it.

After lunch we all went for dip in the pool. At first I sat on the top step with Ryan on my lap, just so the water could tickle his feet. He as ok with this, so I started splashing it with one hand. Of course he tried the same thing and was getting himself in the cute. He was enjoying this a lot. So I moved down another step, with the water now just coming up to his belly. He was a little unsure at first, but soon got into the splashing and now kicking too.

I took the next step a little too soon, and walked out into the middle of the pool, Ryan felt a little unsure of this, and was letting everyone know. That was ok, I understood, it was his first time afterall. We sat back on the step for a little while longer. I tried again about 10 mins later. Everyone else was out in the middle of the pool. This time we were playing splash Daddy and Graeme. He was really enjoying it, and having them splash back too. It was great having Jacob in the pool too, as this showed Ryan there was nothing too be scared off, especially as Jacob is a lot younger, but then he also has everyday access to the pool too.

By the end of the afternoon Ryan was absolutely loving the pool. You would not have known he hadn't been in one before. He didnt even mind being dunked underwater either, which I was really suprised about. I would make him look at me, count to three and then blow in his face to make him hold his breathe and dunk him. He didnt even seem to care about holding his breathe and was happy to be dunked. He would just come up laughing and spitting the water out and brushing it off his face. I think the fact the pool was a salt water pool made a huge difference. Oh and did I mention it was a lovely 31 degrees in the water.

Poor little man, the minute he got out of the pool he was convulsing with the cold, but of course he was too busy running around to let me dry him. It was about 27 degrees in the sun, but with a breeze. At least I managed to get his wet clothes off him. Finally got him dry, but then he decided he wanted to do laps around the outside of the pool nudie, cos Daddy was still in the pool. Looked really cute.

We had a fantastic day, and were so proud of Ryan. The poor little thing he was crashed out by 7:30pm, bedtime isn't til at least 8:00pm. He slept in the next morning and had a massive 2 1/2 hour sleep the next day.

Mummy and Daddy love you Ryan, and we are both so proud of you....MWAH!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Ryan's First Zoo Adventure

Sunday the 11th Oct, (Queens Birthday Long Weekend) we took Ryan to the Adelaide Zoo for the first time. I think I can say he loved it. We had been wanting to take him for a little while as he is very aware of everything now. The weather looked like it was going to be good so made a last minute decision to take him. Mum and Dad, Nan & Pop to Ryan came with us so it was lovely day out. Left home about 10:00am and pulled back into the drive way around 5:00pm.

Mmmm.....where did we start? Well we were making our way down to see the Gorilla's that are on loan to the zoo until September, but got sidetracked along the way. Ryan has a fascination for birds so we looked at a lot of these on our way down to the Gorilla's. Macaws, Flamingo's, Eclectus and many more. Michael and I hadn't been to the zoo in about 3 years when we took his Mum who was then over from Tasmania.

We saw the Gorilla's and the Chimps and were about to head into the Kids petting area, but thought about lunch first. To me this was just as memorable as the day. I got Ryan a highchair so he could sit at grown up level and he loved it. He is such a show off. I had just finished giving him two jars of gel earlier, so gave him the jar, lid and spoon to play with. What a clever little boy, he was putting on and taking the lid of the jar.

Next minute the spoon starts going in the jar and then into his mouth. He was trying to feed himself. Not something he had shown any interest in up until now. I was so happy. Over and over again he put the spoon into the jar and then back into his mouth, ok, so there was nothing on the spoon but the idea was there. It kept him amused too.

It was obvious with so much to look at that Ryan wasn't going to fall asleep in his pram. He usually has a morning nap around 11:00am. After lunch we headed back to the petting zoo, where they had baby deer running around. They were very cheeky, even getting into the bottom of prams. Ryan loved it, and although we didn't buy any food for them we managed to pick up a bit of chaff from the ground and put it in Ryan's hand in the hope a deer would come over. Ryans was more interested in putting it into his mouth than feeding it.

We went through the tropical enclosure and saw lots more different birds, which Ryan loved, and Mummy loved too, especially the Rainbow Lorikeets. We made our way back to the Pelicans' in time to see them feed, via the Little Penguins, the Zebras', American Buffalo and the Pygmy Hippos' Victoria and Albert.

We saw the Pelicans feed, which always keeps me happy too, as along with the Rainbow Lorikeet, are my fave bird. We let Ryan out for a run/crawl around on the lawned area near the rotunda for him to stretch his legs and for mum and I to go and get a drink. It was getting so cold, and even rain looked threatening, but it did hold.

The lions roar in the distance attracted to their cages like a magnetic. The lion was in full voice and one of the lioness' joined him. Not something I had heard before, and even Mum had commented on it, all the times she had been to the zoo she had never heard them either. So I felt lucky. It was getting colder, we were all starting to feel it. One thing we hadn't seen was the seals, so headed off in that direction via the Tassie Devils, and Echinida's and the newer Monkey enclosures with which they have tried to replicate what it would be like in the wild. Expect I guess the monkeys wouldn't have toys hanging from the trees now would they?

Ryan was still wide awake, although at times it looked like he might just give in, but he didn't. He didn't fall asleep until we were pulling into the street. He nearly made it til tea time. I didn't want to wake him so let him sleep fully clothed until we woke 2 hours later. I changed him and gave him a bottle and he went straight back to sleep again.

With all the screams, squeal, finger pointing and look, look's going on I think Ryan had a good day. I think we all had a good day.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My Girly Weekend

How good is the weekend when you get to spend it with two of your best girlies and laze the weekend away at a spiffy hotel. Well we thought so anyway.

Saturday Nanna H, Nanna C and myself Nanna D spent a lovely night away from our significant others, and my little boy to have a girly weekend at the Stamford Grand Hotel, Glenelg. This is something that had been booked for months, and we were just watching the days tick over on the calendar in anticipation.

Saturday rolled around, and my lovely man played chauffeur, driving us to our weekend getaway destination and then returning to pick us up after checkout time Sunday. Upon arrival I was told that our City View Room had infact been upgraded to an Ocean View Room at no extra charge.

We had planned to go to an early evening movie and out for dinner followed by cocktails and ice creams and then a relaxing evening in our room in our pj's pampering ourselves with facials etc. We were greeted at the door by a concierge and porter, who took our bags and greeted us. It was fantastic, I know everyone gets the same treatment, but it isn't everyday we get that treatment.

Woohoo, Oceans views at City Prices. I was a little disappointed to begin with as we had so been looking forward to spending time on the balcony watching the world go by and enjoying the city lights at night, after all, what is there to see our your window once it is dark. But I soon got over that. It was great watching the sites below from the comfort of our 23 degree room.

Our planned 2:50pm flick session didn't happen as we got down to the bay a little later than planned, but it worked out ok. Michael and Ryan came up to our room with us for a while, before leaving to do such a mundane chore as grocery shopping. Although even that is made that little bit easier now as Ryan loves sitting in the trolley. Sorry digressing there. The biggest decision we had was were we going to go to the movies or watch an in house movie. Hogs Breathe Diner and an in house movie it was too be.

We made up our own punch, and grazed on fresh mixed nuts and yummy Doritos while watching the the Crows play in between watching the world go by. We had also taken up to our room Capsicum Dip (to go with the Doritos), Tim Tams and Mint Slice Balls, none of which got eaten as we didn't want to spoil our appetites before dinner and not knowing how full we would be after dinner. Hence we still had some goodies to take home.

After watching the world go by we decided to go down and join them and took a lovely stroll along the jetty at sunset. It was a beautiful sunset too, I was left wishing I had packed my camera. A newlywed Bride and her Groom were making the most of the photographic opportunities with Megan from Elska Studios as well. To kill time we went for a walk 1/2 way up Jetty Road stopping in at a Chemist to get something for my head cold. Alas the Codral still isn't doing anything for me, but as the advert says 'I am still soldering on'.

We had decided that we would indulge our tastebuds at Hog's Breath Cafe, somewhere I had never eaten before, but that Nanna H and Nanna C had both assured me was great eating. As there was about an 1/2 hour wait for tables, we ordered cocktails first. So we still go our cocktails at least. I am always a little sceptical about ordering steak from anyway. I usually only eat steak that I have cooked. Goes back to bad experiences when I was little. But I took the plunge and ordered a steak from the menu this time. Medium/Well done and it was bloody fantastic. Not running around the plate but not cremated either. The staff were very friendly and we had a trainee call Jack looking after us. He was fairly new to the job, but he did a great job. And we must have left and impression as he left a little goodbye and thanks note on the back of our receipt. Follow up a great steak with yummy ice cream from Andersen's and what more could a girl want.

We spent the rest of the evening in our rooms, being the Nanna's that we are. We got into our jammies, (although one of the Nanna's whom shall remain nameless forgot her jammies, so had to borrow a spare pair of mine) and treated ourselves to facials, again this was something I have NEVER done before, but it was so girly I loved it. We jumped under the covers and settle in to watch 'In Her Shoes' one of the in house movies. Two of us managed to stay awake til the end with the 3rd falling asleep. I guess someone will be hiring it out on dvd.

Breakfast Sunday morning was booked for 8:00am. The first alarm went of at 6:00am. . Why so early? Do you know how long it takes 3 girls to get ready in the mornings...hahaha. I don't think the first of us moved until about 6:15am. Nanna C hit the showers first, so Nanna H and I got to lay in a little longer. I offered to have second shower, so Nanna H was the lucky one still snuggled under the covers when I got out. Breakfast was downstairs in The Promenade restaurant, with a view of the lawns in front of the hotel, the jetty and the beach. We enjoyed a breakfast of sausages, bacon, scrambled eggs, fried tomatoes, mushroom and hash browns, with toast and also a couple of little pastries. We were indulging in this fine fare, while those keen enough were on the other side of the glass, either jogging past or walking their pooches. Did we feel guilty....nope!

We were getting picked up at 11:00am so thought we would take one last walk down Jetty Road, although at 9:30 in the morning there wasn't a lot open. That was ok though as we were waiting for a Chocolate Shop/Coffee house to open that we had found the night before, that made hot chocolate using real Belgian Chocolate. I can't for the life of me remember the name, but they had the yummiest looking Chocolate fountain in the window. The three of us took Hot Chocolates up onto the balcony and watch the life on a Sunday morning go by before heading back to The Grand to be chauffeured home again by my loving husband and little man. It would have to be the best hot chocolate I have every had.

Thank you Nanna's for sharing such a great and most of all RELAXING weekend. The company was great and the time we had fantastic. So good to be able to spend quality time with the girlies. Worth the wait from when we had originally pencilled it in our diaries and booked the room.

A big THANK YOU also to my Lovely Man for putting up the room for us too ( I know you'll read this eventually...hahaha)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Easter 2006 - Our First Family Holiday...

For those of you that didn't know Michael, Ryan and I went to Mount Gambier as I have family down there. This was our first driving holiday and our first family holiday. After plans of leaving at 0900 Friday morning we ended up getting out the house at about 1010 so that wasn't too bad.

Stopped and filled up the tank at Glen Osmond and then motored on to Tailem Bend. Ryan was such a good boy. He slept all the way from Wayville to Tailem Bend where we woke up for morning tea and a bottle, and we got out and had some lunch. So we stopped there about 3/4's hour which was a nice break. I drove the first stint. Back in the car and heading to Keith. Michael did this stint and it was his first really experience with country driving, and at speed while having to negotiate disgusting weather. He did really well, with a little bit of coaching from the front passenger seat.

Stopped at Keith for a 10 minute toilet break and then onto Narracorte. Michael felt he could continue so he drove onto Narracorte. Ryan fell asleep 1/2 between Tailem Bend and Keith and didn't wake again until we pulled into Narracorte. I did the last stint from Nara to the Mount and almost out to Carpenter Rocks. We got into the Mount about 1700. It would have been a quicker drive, but now there are three of us to think about, but it was lovely though.

My Uncle and his wife have quite a good size property that they are renting at the moment. They are building a little futher out of town at a place called Glencoe. When we pulled up there was a hot fresh pot of Potato and Leek soup on the oven and an freshly baked apple pie, and Dona also cooked up Thai Green Chicken. Not to mention the Fruit Cake, Butter Biscuits and Fruit Cake that she had made and put in the pantry for us, incase we got hungry in the middle of the night.

Saturday we leftt the house around 0945 and spent most of the day on the road getting home about 1700. We went down drove past the Blue Lake and then onto the Saturday Markets (produce, craft, homemade yummies etc...). We stopped for a good look at the Lake on the way down to Port Macdonald for a Seafood lunch....yuum. Then drove to Port North Cumberland. Headed over the border to Nelson, so Ryan had his first taste of Victoria..and yes we did the standing under the border signs. I did all the driving this day, so about another 250 - 300kms.

Saturday night was BBQ night....Mmmm Mmmm. After tea we went to Umpherston Sink Hole where you can feed the possums at night. Such a beautiful garden there too and we were lucky enough to feed possums. They are so cute, if not a little on the tubby side and in need of Jenny Craig, but when you are getting free meals everynight wouldn'y you look like that.

Sunday was sleep in morning while the others went to church. We met them in town around 1230 for lunch and then headed out to Glencoe to look at the new property. It is so lovely out there, can't wait to go back once the new house is built. Finally started heading towards Adelaide around 1500. I drove from the Mount to Narracorte while Ryan slept from Glencoe to Naracorte. Again we stopped at Narracorte. Ryan was due for a feed then anyway so it worked well. Michael drove from Narracorte to Tailem Bend. Stopped at Keith to let Ryan get out and have a run around and look at the birds and the final stop at Tailem Bend for us to have tea and Ryan to have his. I think we walked in the door around 2145 Sunday night.

Monday was a rest day, sort of. I was raining and miserable, but we wanted to go out to a car yard and have alook at a car we were interested in, aswell as heading in the IGA in Gilbert Street to do some grocery shopping. Then it was home to do the washing. We rearranged the lounge so that Ryan's playpen was no longer infront of the wall furnance, and by that time Mum and Dad dropped in with our dog whom they had been puppy sitting.

So there you have it our Easter Weekend.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Well, What a Week...

Well, yes Herbie the wonder car went for a drive without us and 3 days later we get the phone call saying he had been found...Monday (9th Jan) night we rang to cancel the insurance claim on the car, and our insurers. they offered us a free inspection to check for any other damage the theif/theives may have caused that wasn't visible. My god, quick, the tow truck was down within the hour.

As of Wednesday (11th Jan) of last he is no longer part of our family...After us ringing our insurer (Monday (9th Jan) night) to cancel the claim. We did know they would find trouble under the hood , but they also come back telling us the tail shaft was near on shot too. Transmission $900, Tailshaft $700. They insisted on the doing the inspection even though we told them not to worry. So they gave Michael the option, keep it and have to shell out $$$$ or write it off and get $$$$ back for it .....he/we/my parents went for the right off option.

Down side is back to a one car family for awhile, which we are already find a nuisance Mum and Dad have been good they have offered to pick Ryan up from CC on the nights that Michael needs to be at his 2nd job by 6:10pm. He finishes his day job at around 5:30 and wouldn't get home until possibley 6:00pm on transport, to then have to be somewhere 10 mins later.

I think his plans are to stay a one car family for 6 months, pay more off my car with the money we will be saving on petrol, rego etc....and then go out hunting...

Tuesday night (10th Jan) we had a lovely friend, Drew over for dinner. We hadn't seen him in about a year. It was so cool to catch up and just hang out. We cooked chow mein and he finally got to meet Ryan. He loved Ryan and much as Ryan loved him.

My poor little man though, as it was time to say good night to Drew, we went to wake him up only to find him in a pool off vomit, poor little thing, he had cried once earlier during the evening, as he does sometimes if he is dreaming and then went straight back to sleep. He continued to vomit. I put it down to over eating, but in hindsight I think it may have been a touch of gastro.

Remember gastro is up, felt like crap but went to work anyway. I only made it to lunch and then I was on my way home. OMG not a pretty site, better off at home and not at work. I was lucky my wonderful parents were able to come down and look after Ryan for me while Michael was at his night job. Uuughhh...I ended up having Thursday off aswell. Which worked out well as Thursday is Nan & Pop day. Ryan spends the day with Mum and Dad. I could spend all day in bed. Only drawback was I had to go into work on my day off (Friday).

I really thought I was losing my little boy on Saturday(14th Jan). He just plain refused 3 feeds off of me. Very distressing as all he did was scream as soon as he saw them. He was still eating his solids well enough, but I was feeling so confused. I ended up ringing ABA and asked it it were possible he were self weaning. Possible, but not likely. It was more likely a passing phase and he would come back to it when ready.

The counsellor from ABA did ask if it were possible I were pregnant, or if AF's had returned as the hormones both these produce can alter the taste, smell for Ryan. Well guess what? No I am not pregnant, but after 19 1/2 months AF arrived earlier. So weird. Here is me thinking I am losing Ryan and AF arriving the same day, it was enough to do my head in. But on a brighter note things returned to normal yesterday and Ryan was quite happy to feed from me.

The feeling of being rejected was just horrible, heart breaking, although they do grow up and become a little more independent each day. And Ryan is proving this every day. I was in the kitchen yesterday and turned around to see him 'kneeling' up at the little table in the lounge. He had pulled himself up to that point. So proud.

Yesterday was just washing, groceries and then we went and saw Leeanne and John for awhile, to return the battery her cousin so kindly got cheap for us. Thank god it didn't make it into the car. The car was sold at auction on Friday we believe.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Prodigal Car has Returned....

At 2:15am this morning the phone rang. Such a bizarre time for the phone to ring. I was quick to get to the phone, not incase there was something majoriy wrong as is normal with a phone call at that time of the morning, unless of course it is your drunk brother ringing to tell you he loves you (isn't that sweet), but so that it wouldn't wake Ryan.

It was the police, letting us know that our car had been found relatively unscathed...thank god, like we have the $$$$ to fork out on the stupid thing anyway.

Seems like someone has just borrowed it to get to where they wanted to go. We had to go and pick up a distributor lead from the local police station and then we where on our way again.

Let me tell you, as hard as it is going to be to be able to repair the minor damage and also a new rear tyre, it is going to be a helluva lot easier that trying to refinance a new car. But the great news is that the baby seat was still in the back. YAY! Unlike last time when they took everything.

Although we didn't want it back, I am so glad it is. It being found and in one piece has to be alot easier on the wallet than not!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

You've Got To Be Joking....

AAAGGGHHHHH......How many times can one family be so unlucky?

Thursday night I get a phone call from Michael at work asking if I had moved or taken his car home? The first words out of my mouth 'You're ****cking joking?'

Yep for the third time, we have had a car stolen, although this is the second time this particular car has gone for a drive without us behind the wheel.

We have reported it to all the relevant authorities, now we just have to sit back and wait. Ah, the 2WW, a bit like waiting to do that first pregnancy test really. It is the longest two weeks.

Good thing is , the fuel tank was near on empty when they took it, and the transmission was playing up. So unless they were smart little (or big) thieves and filled the tank I don't think they'll get far.

We found out it was taken between the hours of 5:30pm and 7:10pm, pity we didn't know about this last night, would have given the cops a little more to work with. Ah well, back to being a single car family for awhile.

We had thought about taking the loan car on our ins. policy , but if our car is returned and usuable, we will have to pay back the loan car, can't afford that , let alone paying the excess.

I am glad our inconvenience and suffering is allowing someone else the mobility and freedom they quite obviously desire....NOT.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year

Wow, another year has just begun. Where are they going? Why is it that as we get older, the years tend to pass us by more quickly.

Originally we didn’t have N.Y.E plans and were more than happy to stay home with movies and a pizza, original I know. Ryan would’ve been in bed by about 8:00pm and we could have had the night to ourselves. That was until we received an invite from Ryan’s Godparents, Allie & Brent to ring in the New Year with them. What a lovely idea.

Things kicked off around 7:00pm. 4 couples, 2 rampaging toddlers and Ryan. I say rampaging toddlers as these two little boys were just going nuts. Mum and Dad had no control over them, and couldn’t keep them quite. There is playing loudly and then there is running riot, these two were running riot, for the other 6 of us it made it a long and tiring few hours. We unconsciously seemed to be taking it in turns to seek refuge in the kitchen for a few minutes at a time.

The relaxing part of the even for us all kicked in around 10:00 – 10:30pm once the couple with kids decided they had better take their little ones home as it was evident that they just weren’t going to settle. It had been very hard for me to keep my patience with these two, and not say something to their parents. Especially as they were running up and down the hall where Ryan was sleeping (and he himself had just had a rough couple of hours and was very unsettled). Yes, he is a good boy and will sleep through anything, but he was definitely tested with them yelling and screaming right outside his door.

It was also the first time Ryan was to sleep in his portable cot too. We didn’t know how he would go. After a belly full of food we wrapped him, and let him drift off to sleep in my arms and then placed him in his porta cot. He was great. Just rolled over onto his belly as he does and that was it. He only stirred 3 times and that was when we would stick our head in the door to check on him (he would just roll onto this other side). It was nice to be able to sit back and relax (finally nas from between the hours of 5:00pm and 7:00pm he just screamed) knowing that he was ok.

Midnight came around and we celebrated with poppers, sparklers, kisses and hugs. There where fireworks going off around the neighbourhood, we could hear them but not really see them. We had a great, relaxing (in the end) evening with a bbq and drinks, great company and some really cool tunes drifting out the speakers of the radio. So many songs that we hadn’t heard for so long, but always seemed to get played on N.Y.E.

A perfect end to a year, and a great start to a new one.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Our First Christmas as a Little Family...

Wow, another Christmas been and gone…I think today we are all suffering that Christmas hangover….tired and lethargic, but oh so willing to graze on all the yummy tummy left overs.

Christmas for us this year started Christmas Eve, Michael, myself and Ryan had a sleep over at Nan & Pop’s. We got to Mum and Dad’s around 4:00pm, we wanted to get there before my brother Michael and his wife, Cecelia dropped Seth off for the evening (we were Seth sitting) along with Mum and Dad’s Christmas presents. Neither Mum nor Dad knew what they were getting from Mick and Cec, but (my) Michael and I did. A pair of budgies, one male, the other female, as we all thought their house was little too quiet since Aussie (aka Girl Bird) passed away.

We managed to get both the birds and the cage inside without too much fuss and without Mum and Dad seeing it. We put them on the kitchen table, and called them into the room. Mum did infact hear the birds but thought they were the birds outside. Dad named the male bird Herbie, while Mum names the female Chrissie, short for Christmas but soon after the name Holly was thought of, and so Herbie and Holly it was.

Traditional Christmas Eve tea in our house (well Mum and Dad’s, hell, you know what I mean) is either cold or fried ham and fried eggs for tea. Has been traditional Christmas Eve tea for as long as I can remember. We always have to try out the ham before Christmas day. Mum and Dad had visitors over, and Michael and I sort of took over the babysitting duties. Seth is such a little cutie. I think we got to bed around 2:30am…probably my latest Christmas Eve ever.

Ryan also had his first bath in a proper bath too. He loved it. So much more room to splash around in. At home we are still using his baby bath, (due to the set up of our bathroom) and he is getting so big for it now.

Christmas day and Mum and Dad’s tree was the fullest it had ever been. Lucky they bought a new tree this year otherwise the old 3ft tree would have been absolutely swamped. We don’t do a breakfast as such, just cereal, toast whatever you can find, and we save the feasting for lunch time and then continue to graze throughout the afternoon. A table laid with Chicken, Pork, Turkey and Ham…with Potato Salad, Coleslaw and a Pasta Salad, with scrummy bake at home rolls was our Christmas fare.

After lunch and after Ryan and Seth had both been fed we all gathered around the tree out in the sunroom. So many presents, but this year was special it was our first as parents, as it was for Mick and Cec, and also Mum and Dad’s as grandparents. Let’s just say the boys were spoilt.

Michael and I were pretty spoilt too, jointly we got a new toaster, and also a stab mixer, which will benefit Ryan no end. Oh, yeah and the McGuiness McDermott Adelaide Crows Monopoly board game. Michael also received the Steve Waugh book and Ricky Ponting memoirs and two CD’s, The Killers and Nickleback. Me, well I got ‘Destiny’s No. 1’s’ CD, and also Robbie Williams, ‘Swing when you’re winning’. Michael also got be a voucher to get my belly button pierced, or should I say re pierced, it took it out when I was nearing the end of my pregnancy with Ryan. And my gorgeous little man, Ryan bought me (well he told Daddy want he wanted to get me) a diary for my handbag for the coming year. A diary that has West Highland White Terriers on every page. My little boy has taste...

Desert/Afternoon tea was a choice of either Christmas pudding or Chocolate Mud Cake served with custard and/or ice cream. Mmmm…. Can’t beat Michel’s Patisserie Mud Cake with Ice Cream and custard.

We had a very relaxing afternoon, just sitting around chatting and playing with the boys while Dad dozed in the lounge. We don’t get to see Mick and Cec that often so it was great to have some quality time with them, and not have to share them with their friends, I know that sounds selfish, but that is normally how things are. When they are down they are in such high demand, we usually get squeezed in when we can. This time is and has been different. Now they have a son, Mum and Dad another Grandson and Michael, Ryan and I a Nephew and Cousin they are trying to get as much family time in as possible.

Mick and Cec, and little Seth, left later in the afternoon. Michael and I stay down for the traditional tea of leftovers and also to sit down and watch the DanceSport Ballroom Championships as we do every year. Another one of our traditions. Michael and I wondered home around 11:00pm. Took us a little while to gather our goods and chattels, but it didn’t seem to take that long unpacking once we got home.

We got to bed a little earlier last night, myself around midnight with Michael following an hour or so later. Very exhausted, but very content.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Fran's First Bloom for the Season

Today Fran’s first bloom for the season fully opened.

I have been waiting for it to bloom as a sign that my little girl, Rosie, had got to where she was going. I like to think now that she has arrived at the gates of doggy heaven, ready to celebrate Christmas with all her doggy friends.

A quite sense of peace is with me now, as Fran continues to bloom and her scent so strong on the afternoon breeze. I smile every time I see a flowering Frangipani and think of my very special little girl, and know that she is watching over me and with me always.

Love you and Miss you…
Have a Very Merry Christmas ‘Rabbit’

Friday, December 23, 2005

Limousine's, Scenic Drives & Holidays...YAY! of 11:00am Wednesday morning I started holidays. We don't open the office again until 9th January. So it will be a lovely break.

The morning at work was spent just tidying up loose ends, we had made sure we didn't have a lot left to do during the week. I think we all had checklists in our heads, not have I done this, have I done that? I had been racing the whole week to get my commission run for the month done so I could pay our boys, and because I had had a few days off sick and also had problems with this months run I was beginning to doubt I would get them out on time.....But I did....PHEW!

This year we celebrated Christmas at my bosses place up at Macclesfield. We were picked up in a gorgeous limousine and taken on a lovely scenic drive throught Hanhdorf and Echunga to arrive at Maccclesfield around lunch time.

Our gorgeous host's Richard (my boss) and Gabrielle (his wife) were out the front awaiting our arrival. We were being treated to a 4 course lunch, all cooked on their new outdoor kitchen.

Starters of Atlanctic Salmon with chives and Cream Cheese and Pumperknickel Bread were to be had out on the deck, which overlooked a 1/2 acre block and the spa on a lower deck again.

When 1st course was ready we moved back up under the pergola, and were served Prawns and Bug tails, on a bed of Lettuce and drizzled with Noonies special seafood sauce. It was yuuum. 2nd course followed fairly quickly, Baked Chicken Breast, then grilled with a topping on chopped bacon, breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese, with a basil sauce and steamed asparagus, capsicum and celery. This was accompanied by fresh bread.

3rd course was to be a little while, so we moved back out onto the deck again, where a lovely breeze had sprung up. I think we experienced four seasons in one day. It was so peaceful and relaxing. A great way to end what has been a busy and eventful working year. So many birds in the trees, even a Kookaburra family, what merry old souls they are. And monarch butterflies, reminds me of the day Michael and I took our vows everytime I see one.

When 3rd course came out we were sitting down to roast lamb (butterflied) done on the new kitchen, with a red wine jous, lettuce, cherry tomatoes and a cold bean salad with pine nuts. It was very delicious.

We decided to do Kris Kringle between 3rd and 4th course, to let all we had consumed settle. It was great. We didn't do the usual pull a name out of the hat, instead we had to buy a unisex present, and then a names would be pulled out of a hat, or in our case a water jug (empty of course) and the person chosen would then take a present from off the table. It was great.

It came down to two gifts left on the table, with only myself and Gabrielle to be called out. Gab got called out first, and said 'Well I can't very well pick that one can I' was they gift she had placed on the table, although she was quick to point out that she would be very happy with her own gift, so I knew I would love it too. It was an Asian style/influenced incense, candles, and oil burner set. So pretty and very apt considering my love of the Asian influence and the fact that Michael is part Asian.

The rest of the afternoon saw us all sitting around the spa, dipping our toes and talking and laughing about the year that was. God, it was so relaxing. Up under the pergola one more time, for 4th course, Raspberry Ice Cream (Allie, you would have loved it, just like the ice cream you make) served with Strawberries and Blackberries, or where they Blueberries, I am not sure.

Coffee and Tea came out, and to go with this we opened the goodie baskets that had been given to us from a couple of our Fund Managers that were full of lots of lovely nibbles and wines, and grazed on them. I don't think anyone really wanted to leave, but our limo was booked to pick us up at 5:30pm.

Kissed and hugs all round and then it was off into the Limo again. We were dropped back at the office at around 6:40pm where there were Taxis waiting for those that had booked them and our cars in the carpark for the rest of us. It was a great day and a good way to finish the year.

Monday, December 19, 2005

I Miss You my ‘Little Rabbit’ – R.I.P Rosie

You were my little baby, from the first time I saw you at 5 weeks old. My little girl, how I miss you so much, it still hurts.

I sit here tonight with an extremely heavy heart. I am struggling to see the screen for the tears, but I want to write this, so know you that I think of you everyday. It was on this evening two years ago that you took your last breath. At 5:05pm, I had to make the hardest decision of my life to date, and that was to take yours, to rid you of the pain you were in. It was so hard to watch you suffer as you did, it was all so sudden, but I held you till you were gone. I will never forget your little body, it went so limp. But I knew you were no longer suffering.

I came home from the vet’s that night so numb, I still remember it so clearly, like it was ‘today’. I sat out the back on ‘our ‘ bench for hours, just staring into space, questioning why, you were so young.

Remember ‘Fran’ well she produced her first spike (since we had bought her). Her first bloom opened the evening you drew your last breath. I took it as a sign that you were at peace now, no longer in the pain you were. There was a warm breeze that night that caught the scent of Fran’s blooms, it brushed my cheek as if you were saying ‘Goodbye Mum’ I am ok now. I sat at the back until midnight. A big electrical stormed rolled in. You funny little thing, you used to love sitting outside in the rain. How ironic that it rained the night I laid you to rest.

Well Fran didn’t bloom last year, it upset me as much as your little personality not following me around the house everywhere. I think maybe you were telling me that you weren’t quite where you were heading, and you would let me know when you arrived when Fran spiked again and flowered.

You must be close my Little Rabbit, as Fran is out there now with a beautiful big spike and at least 60 buds on her. I have been checking everyday, there are 5 buds that are so close, and so you must be near to your destination. I will check everyday until I smile, with a tinge of sadness and then I know you have arrived.

Please let me know soon Little Rabbit….Please.

R.I.P My Little Angel
Aonais Devils Rose (Rosie)
29/12/1998 – 19/12/2003

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Precious Baby Boys and Bargain Buys (My first ever Garage Sale)

Although having very briefly met my new little nephew, Seth, on Friday night, I finally got to have some quality time, really get to meet him and catch up with my Brother, Michael and his gorgeous wife Cecelia today. As I said, they did pop in very briefly Friday night, but as they were on their way out we didn’t really get a chance to catch up. Today made up for all of that.

We had all arranged to have lunch at Mum and Dad’s. It was lovely, Mum and Dad and their kids with their own kids. 3 generations under the one roof, something Mum and Dad I think thought they would never see (with the paths that mine and my Brother’s lives were taking). But god was Dad so proud. It felt really good. My Brother looked so at peace and content holding his little son in his arms, like it was meant to be.

Seth is a funny little boy, although only 10 weeks olds he looks like such a serious little man, always has a frown on his face, it is so cute, but we did get some gorgeous smiles out of him today, and they weren’t wind. He very much looks like his Daddy when he was that age it’s incredible really. Considering his Mummy is ¾’s Chinese, there appears to be now Chinese in him at all, none that is evident. When he talks, he talks very quietly, almost a whisper, you really had to listen to hear him, but it was so cute.

Ryan loved him, as Ryan loves kids thanks to the time he spends at Child Care. He didn’t seem to bother by me holding Seth and cuddling him either, maybe because he was having cuddles with his Daddy at the time….I don’t know.

Tomorrow night Cecelia is coming to pick Ryan up with me from Child Care as she works in the industry herself, up in Toowoomba, Queensland. So I think she just wants to have a sticky beak at how things run down here. Friday herself, Mick and Seth are coming along to our local CYH where I get Ryan weighed and measured as Seth is due to be checked a swell. How cute will that be, Brother and Sister taking ‘their’ special little people to be checked out together.

While Cec was feeding Ryan (around lunch time) we were talking about how our babies sleep when they were out. Seth is so new that he still sleeps in his pram, although they have bought a portable cot down with them. When Ryan was younger he would sleep in his bassinette and then his pram, as he got too big for his bassinette. I was talking about how we were going out N.Y.E and didn’t know what we were going to do with regards to Ryan and getting him to sleep. I wouldn’t trust him on the bed, even with millions of pillows, as he is a roller.

Just at that exact moment, my phone rang. On the way out to get lunch Mum and (my) Michael drove past a garage sale, and out the front was a porta cot for $20…something we didn’t have and couldn’t justify pay $$$$ for, for something that we will get minimal use from. They asked the seller if they could keep it for an hour or so and I would be back to have a look at it. I went back, with Michael and Cecelia in tow. Mmmm…I collapsed it and put it up again, giving it a thorough going over, none of us could see anything wrong with it. The seller said that someone else had asked about it in the time it took me to get back there, but she honoured her word and let me look at it first. The first buyer offered $15, but they really wanted $20. I offered $17, and we ended up agreeing on $18. My first ever garage sale, and I think I got a good bargain. Now my little man will have something to sleep in N.Y.E.

Good spotting Nan….THANKS.

Friday, December 16, 2005

So Proud of Myself....Ho Ho Ho!

I am very proud of myself this Christmas…All bar one more gift for the most special little man in our lives, which we just have to pick up, I have just finished wrapping and put the last gift under the tree and all with 9 sleeps to go. Normally we are still out shopping Christmas Eve. But this year it is all done. I can’t believe it. I feel a lot better about Christmas this year than in past years, even though we are probably celebrating on our tightest budget yet. But to us Christmas is a time of celebration and getting together with loved ones, not about the $$$$ side of things.

Maybe it also has something to do with the most precious little thing in our lives, our 9 month old son, Ryan. I know he is too young to know what is going on and what all the fuss is about, but we wanted to celebrate this special time of year, and our first as a little family.

Having a new little man in our lives has seen us tighten the purse strings somewhat on every front. This year Michael and I set a budget, a sum total of what we were going to spend. Michael decided that he would save his overtime from work, and his money he earns from umpiring indoor cricket exclusively for Christmas. I can proudly say, that we have done well. We are both very happy with our purchases for our loved ones, and each other.

We sat down and drew up a list of what we wanted to get everyone, my Mum and Dad, my Brother and his Wife, and their new son, along with Michael’s Mum and his Brother. Although they told us not to get them anything (and to please respect their wishes), but to instead spend what we would’ve on Ryan. We compromised and bought two little identical gifts, one each from Ryan for them. We will put them in the post this weekend.

Ryan’s gift from Grandma Douthie arrived from Tasmania this morning too, so it has been safely wrapped and put under the tree along with the other gifts. This year I have had to put the tree up on the coffee table, so little Destroyer Douthie can’t redecorate it for us. And also to keep the gifts out of his tiny hands, we will let him have his fun with them Christmas Day.

Ryan’s first Christmas, I am so happy to be celebrating this joyous time of the year with the newest man, albeit little man, as he would have to be the most precious gift I have ever received, the gift of new life. A gift I was beginning to wonder if I would ever see…but with the gift of love from my darling husband, I have seen my dream of a being a Mummy come true. I don’t need anything else, as long as I have my family.

Merry Christmas to all who read my Blog….may the festive season bring you everything you dream of and wish for.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Christmas Parties & Paediatric ED's

Last night saw Michael, Ryan, myself and Mum and Dad (Nan & Pop to Ryan) celebrate Ryan’s first Christmas Party.

We kept him home from Childcare yesterday, with Michael taking him to the doctor’s in the morning. Ryan’s cold was just that, a cold, but it was the mucous that was running down the back of his throat that was causing all the problems. A mixture, of breast milk, formula and solids combined with mucous, didn’t make for a very pretty site, especially when Ryan did managed to get rid of the mucous each time from his poor little stomach.

At 6:30pm we wondered down to Ryan’s Child Care Centre where they were holding their Christmas Party. A sausage sizzle was put on and a special visitor arrived at about 7:15pm with little gifts for all the kids. We were lucky to actually get there, as Ryan had been really sick since Monday and I didn’t think it fair to take him to his party if he had been away sick, but at the same time I didn’t want him to miss his first party either. A phone call to the director of the Child Care Centre and we were cleared to join the celebrations. Helps when our little man is the director’s favourite.

We ended up taking Ryan up the Paediatric ED at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, because as of 8:15pm last night Ryan had thrown up 7 of his last 9 feeds (since Monday), and I was starting to get a little concerned. I was more worried about dehydration as his urinary out put was basically non-existent. We only had to wait in triage for about 3/4's hour, which was pretty good, before being taken through to the PED. They gave him a good check up, (keeping in mind Michael had yesterday off and had taken Ryan to see my doctor in the morning.) His oxygen levels were down a little bit and the soft spot on his head was a little sunken.

He was due for a feed around 12:15am this morning, but understandably I was hesitant about feeding him, but at least we were in the right place if he were to share his meal with everyone and everything around him. He kept his feed down, but still no urinary out put, they wanted to test for infection.

So they put a little bag on him to catch any wee he might do. Well because they didn't get it on properly the first time they missed it, and of course the nappy caught it, so they had to put another one on and of course we had to wait for him to go again. 2:30am, he finally went. They tested the sample and it came back fine.

He did have a really wet cough, and was wheezy at times, so they were even thinking a touch of asthma. The registrar in charge wanted to get chest films done, but we had missed radiology by 10 minutes. Diagnosis, well either a 24 hour bug, as he has kept the last two feeds down, or a chest infection (with the food and mucous not agreeing with each other, hence throwing up). He did bring up a little bit of lovely yellow stuff while up there. They can't really treat young babies and it is generally hard to give/get an accurate diagnosis.

So poor little thing, he didn't get to bed until about 3:45am this morning either did Michael and I. Michael is only 5 minutes from work, so he felt ok to drive in this morning, but I knew having further to go I would have trouble concentrating being so tired. Ryan woke up at about 8:20am as it was. I feed him and he kept it down, which is good. He is at Mum and Dad's at the moment (being Thursday), they thought I might like the break, and to be able to go back to bed for while.
I will go and have a nap now and then go down and pick him up and have some lunch with Mum and Dad. Nightie Night….

Monday, December 12, 2005

Christmas Trees & New Recipes.....

Well this weekend saw us having a relatively quiet weekend, but that is not a bad thing. Thursday night after work I went down to Mum and Dad's for tea, as I usually do, as they have Ryan on Thursdays, and Mum likes to cook for me so I can have one night off a week.

Mum and Dad have had the same Christmas tree since I was born, so it is 30 something years old. A few weeks ago they bought a new Christmas tree, only they hadn't gotten around to putting it up. Every time we popped in I was like 'is it up yet?'....this time I didn't bother asking, I just snuck out the back, slowly opened the door and went 'Yay, the tree is up'. There were no decorations on it at that stage.

Two years ago I bought Mum and Dad some hand painted baubles, two that read Margaret and Brian, another two that read Michael and Tanya, and another two that read Michael and Cecelia. One Michael is my brother, the other my husband and Cecelia is my sister in law. So we had the family on the tree. This year having had two new additions to the family I needed to add two new balls to it. One each for Ryan and his new little cousin Seth.

So I went back inside and grabbed Ryan. Together we put up the first decorations on Nan & Pop's new Christmas Tree, the family Christmas baubles. If we are blessed with anymore little people in our lives, I will have balls painted up for them too. I finished decorating the tree after tea, and after Ryan had gone to bed, with my Dad placing the angel on top as the last decoration to go on. I have a rule that the man of the house must put either the star or the angel on top as the last decoration.

Michael had his works Christmas Show Friday night which saw me and my little man home alone. Ryan was in bed by about 7:30pm, so it was a quiet house let me tell you. Michael eventually ended up getting home around 2:30am, after having to wait nearly two hours for a taxi, but he had a good night, which I was happy about, as he had reservations about going in the first place.

Saturday after I had had my nails done, and Ryan had woken from his nap we hit the shops, sourcing Christmas pressies. I decided to get my SIL some cookbooks, so was on the hunt for Low Carb Cookbooks, and my Brother is really into Sci-Fi, so have ordered in the newest book from one of his favourite authors. Michael is really into cricket, so I thought I would get him the Ricky Ponting book that is out at the moment, I think Mum & Dad have bought him the Steve Waugh book too, so he will be a happy little boy. We are a family of readers, so I have also bought Dad a book too. Mum on the other hand, well I had gardening ideas for her, until Michael found what I wanted to get them already out in their garage....BUGGA....back to the drawing board, I guess I could always buy her a book too.

We bought Ryan some clothes, but will be going back in a fortnight to buys toys. God, there is so much to choose from. I want to get him fun but educational stuff. I know he is going to be spoilt this Christmas, not only from Father Christmas, but from his Mum & Dad, Nan & Pop, his Uncle Mick & Auntie Cec and his Grandma Douthie.

As for Michael's Mother and Brother, well we have no idea. They live in Tasmania and are so hard to buy for. I guess we are going to have to put our thinking caps on, as this year, I really don't want to do the gift voucher thing. But I do know that while shopping at Big W I found these drink coasters that you can slip photos into, so we will do a set up each for my Mum and Dad, and also Michael's Mum with photos of Ryan in them.

Saturday night we went down to Mum & Dad's to watch the basketball on 'Fox'. They were going out and didn't mind us going down there to watch it. So we packed up our bbq meat, and Ryan and off we went. Yummy bbq, but a sad result with the basketball with Adelaide losing.

Yesterday we had our first hot day for the summer, 38 degrees. I didn't want to take Ryan out in it, so Michael was a doll and went and did the groceries, while I stayed home and did the washing, not very exciting huh? Mum and Dad popped in around 2:00pm. I did however try a new recipe last night. I have never had, let alone made risotto before. Tragic, isn't it? I don't know why I got it in my head, but last night I just 'HAD' to make risotto.

Ham and Mushroom risotto. Having not had it before I had no real expectations as to what it should be like. It smelt good through out the cooking process so that had to be a good start. Michael kept passing comment on it too. But the test is in the tasting right, (or something like that). Well Michael loved it, I thought it was a little too heavy on the garlic, but I wanted to follow the recipe the first time, to see what it was like, and will play with it next time. Yes, there will be a next time...I LOVED IT!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Just Like A Holiday at Nan & Pop's....Well Almost

Today was Ryan's first day back at Child Care in a week and a half. He has been on holidays at Nan & Pop's, well sort of, only coming back here to sleep of an evening and the heading back to Mum and Dad's the next day.

After having Ryan see two different doctors (or cowboys as I call them) at a local drop in centre, only because he had fallen ill on a Sunday (when my GP was closed), and giving me two different diagnosis, I wanted to get him in to see 'my' GP. After a thorough examination, and with the symptoms I had described and the very visible rash on my little man's body, he diagnosed Glandular Fever.

Without doing bloods, of which it was too late to do, as they should've been done when I first presented Ryan to the other doctors, he was 99% sure it was GF, and the rash had come about due to the reaction with the antibiotics. Apparently if GF is treated with anti's it can cause a rash, not dissimilar to Meningicocal, to break out. So to be on the safe side my GP recommended that Ryan be kept home from child care for the week.

Thanks to my Mum and Dad, Ryan's Nan & Pop, Michael or I didn't have to take any time off work, which we were more than happy to do, so as to be able to stay at home with Ryan. Mum and Dad told us they would have Ryan for the week.

Mum and Dad love spending time with Ryan, so much so that after he was born and we were home from hospital, they would pop over every other day until I went back to work. It was great. They really relished having a grandchild. They never thought they would see the day they would become grandparents, let along grandparents twice in one year.

I think Dad was quite proud to be looking after his little grandson, and found Ryan a great source of entertainment especially as he is now sitting up and a lot more into things, and also rolling around everywhere.

What did they do for the week, well they all went out shopping, attending doctors appts together, and also went to Mum and Dad's fitness classes together too, where Ryan was absolutely doted upon by everyone there. They even went out and bought a new Christmas tree. Not much, but it was great bonding time.

I am so lucky I have my parents here to help out whenever they can, and they appreciate being able to see Ryan whenever they want aswell as their newest grandson, my nephew lives in Toowoomba, Queensland, so they wont get to see him all that often, which is sad.

As for Ryan's first day back at child care, god he was made such a fuss of by the staff, so many hugs and kisses, but he loves the attention I am sure and squeals and squiggles with delight back at them. He had a good day, and it was like he had never been away. He feel straight back into his old routine like he had never been away. He is such a social little butterfly and has little friends (although they are all bigger and older than he is) in all the rooms he visits.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Xmas At The Douthies...

Last night, (Saturday night) saw us celebrate our first (and hopefully not our last) social event on what is considered the busy social month of the calendar year.

Michael and I had spent the day tidying and prettying up the front and back yard, making potato salad, garden salads, home made hamburgers and freshly baked bread, all while looking after our 9 month precious little man.

We had organised a gathering for about 20 of our closest friends, Xmas At The Douthies. Well come kick off time, 6:00pm, seem to be an hour later than was posted 7:00pm, we had 13 guests willing to take the field. Yes, I was disappointed that we didn't have a full team, but this is always going to happen. I had one phone call during the day (apologising) and another just as the first of the guests were arriving. Although disappointed both callers couldn't make it, I was appreciative of them letting me know.

This time around we had asked the guest to all bring something to contribute towards the evening (to help the hip pocket out a little bit). We had offerings of salad and drinks (thanks Fi & Glen), Honey Maple Chicken wings (thumbs up Leeanne & John), Tandoori Chicken Kebabs and Potato Chippies (way to go April & Owen), the yummiest of desserts, Tiramisu Cheesecake and Chocolate Mudcake (a moment on the lips that can linger for every.....yuummmm, thanks Shaz) and Naomi, Glen Max and little Tamsin supplied the Chippies, Chocolates, Dips, Crackers, Cheese and Kabana. Our contribution, well as written above, homemade Bread, Hamburgers, Potato Salad and a Garden Salad, and shop bought Sausages.

The night got off to a quiet start, with everyone sort of sitting around in a deadly silence (thank god we had taken the stereo outside) well that is how it felt to me anyway. I was trying to place host and catch up with everyone at the same time, while tending to my 9 month old, Ryan and also getting food ready. As the evening grew older the noise level started to rise, which was fantastic. Made me feel a bit better about it all. I was worried the dynamics were all wrong and the mix of people wouldn't work, but I think we got away with it in the end.

Strangely the boys tend to congregate around the bbq and all cook together, not on this occassion though. Michael was left to tend to the barbie himself, quite strange (so I took over from him so he could sit down and eat, mind you I hadn't eaten at that stage either), this probably why all the food wasn't presented (as cooked) at the same time. Patties and sausages went out first, and by the time all the chicken had been cooked everyone was too full to want any. Very disappointing, but it was the same as dessert, Shari had gone to the trouble of baking a Tiramasu Cheesecake, and also a Chocolate Mud Cake only to have about a quarter of each eaten.

Naomi had bought her two children along, Max, 3 and Tamsin 6 weeks. They are both gorgeous kids. Max was so well behaved, a real pleasure to have around. I was trying to imagine Ryan when he gets to Max's age, but it seems so far away. And little Tams, well I got Ryan's old bassinette out for her to sleep in. It felt so strange wheeling it through the house empty, but it looked so complete once she was in it. Having Tams around made me realise just how ready I am for another one. I was checking up on her every few minutes as if she were my own.

It was great getting everyone together before christmas, pity the rest couldn't make it. I just wish, for me it hadn't felt like they were all leaving just as I had finished eating. Our first guests probably left around 10:30'ish and the last around 11:00pm.

Thanks Naomi and Glen for offering to stay and help clean up, and Fi & Glen for staying to help clean up, greatly appreciated. Everyones dishes that they bought are all here and clean waiting to be reunited with their rightful owners. Leeanne, thank you ever so much for putting Ryan's first gift under the tree too, you naughty thing you certainly didn't have to buy him anything, but I am sure he will love whatever it is when he opens it.

After everyone had left Michael and I were sitting our the back going now what? Being totally honest to me it didn't feel like one of the best gatherings I have organised, but I can't put a finger on why. Someone elses turn next time.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Tired Eyes, Real Estate Agents and Sick Little Boys...

God, my eyes are hanging out of my head this morning...tiredness and hay fever and having half a yard full of rye grass doesn't help either. Well how did last night go...I picked Ryan up from Child Care and he was pretty good, although the rash, OMG...had completely covered his little body, poor thing, he even had welt marks on his face. The R/E agent was suppose to get there are 6:00pm, rang to say he would be about 20 mins late. I held of feeding Ryan until he had gone, he got a little grizzly but fell asleep in Michael's arms, which was good.

Basically it comes down the fact that Michael and I are never going to get the price that we need to be able to afford to purchase anything half decent. With our extremely $hit wages we are only ever going to be able to afford a mortgage of $164k. Most houses market for around $230k+.

We need to be able to get at least $220 - 230k (if not more to be able to cover fees and costs) for ours, and after two appraisals from different agents, it seems highly unlikely that will happen. First appraisals came in at $219 as an investor buyer, and $229 as a home buyer, although this agent thought we would be lucky to get that. Last nights agent came back with conservative high $100k's to low $200k's. We were welcome to put an offer in on the house that we were interested in, but the agent sort of hinted (although he wasn't suppose to) that it would be too low, I figured property would sell for at least $230k. He did say he would let us know, if we had the slightest chance, but I told him I would rather not put an offer in than a ridiculous offer.

At one stage I thought we may even be able to afford to move north or south (which neither of us really want), but until wage conditions improve even that is unachievable. Anyway agent left around 7:30pm. So I woke Ryan up to feed him, and then piled him in the car to go to the doctors. God, I hate drop in centre's...We got there at 7:50pm and we had to wait 1 1/2 hours before we saw someone. Ryan was such a good boy, considering he should have been in bed 2 hours earlier, thank god there was a little boy that was entertaining him. The doctor we saw last night gave Ryan a very quick examination, and said it may well have been just a viral rash, but will put it down the penicillin, and we can get him tested when he is older. Basically we just have to keep plying him with dymadon/panadiene and keep his fluids up.

By the time we got home I was so tired that my gorgeous, considerate man, offered to iron my shirt for work, put Ryan's dirty clothes from child care in the wash and also wash and sterilise Ryan's bottle and bits, so that I could just feed Ryan and put him to bed aswell as myself. We both slept like babies....

This morning Ryan woke up for his feed, and then went back to sleep, which he needed as he lost 3 hours sleep last night. The rash has all but gone, but he still has a cough. Although the doc we saw on Sunday wanted to see us tonight to see how Ryan was going and to check his throat. So guess what I am doing again tonight. Oh yeah, there is another tooth just itching to break the gums too. So that would be adding to his discomfort.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Tiny Tots, Tupperware & New Homes

What a mixed bag weekend it was. For me weekends start on Thursdays when I finish work. I am lucky enough to have Friday's off.

Every Thursday Ryan spends the day with his Nan & Pop, so to give me break from domestics, they also cook me tea/dinner (of some description). I never know what we are having but I never leave hungry. It is great, they love having him for a day, and they also knows that it helps us out with one days less child care fees. God bless my parents.

Friday was quite an unusual day for me, with Ryan only wanting to eat and sleep. I wasn't going to argue as somedays I struggle to get him to have naps. Not this time. Ryan was sleeping 2 1/2 hours at a time and only waking for a bit of a play, a bum change and another feed. I though this a little odd. As the day progressed, Ryan's temp kept going up aswell. Considering it wasn't a warm day, I thought this strange, and put it down to teething.

Friday night I went to my first ever (oh, I heard you gasp...don't sound so shocked) Tupperware Party. It was a lot of fun, hosted by a newish friend Sharon, whom I met through my girlfriend Allie. A girly evening was just what I needed. 3 of us chickens left from here, myself, Allie and Beck and along the way we picked up Leeanne. A car full of girls on the way to an girly evening.

Wow, Tupperware has become so modern from the stuff our Mothers have/had in their cupboards. It was all so new and so funky...and so expensive (sobs). I really would have loved to have purchased some new items, but with the budget being so tight at the moment.

I just had to be a watcher not a participater. But I still had a great night, enjoyed the company of some great girls, offered to road test Beck's T/W purchases for her and drooled over the views (or what we could see at night anyway) from Sharon's house...Sweetie, you know I am so jealous, nothing like stepping outside or onto the deck and being able to smell the sea air and salt bush. Funny part of the evening was trying to decided which recipes we each wanted to take home with us. Peter had like a file a fax recipe book being handed around for us to take one recipe each from. The girls thought it would be a great idea if we all got a different one, and then had a dinner party with them one night. YYUUMM.

Saturday was a pretty quiet day for us. I had my usual nail appt in the moring, with my dog, Dee, getting her hair(fur)cut in the afternoon. Still had a sick little boy that only wanted to sleep and eat. His temparature had seemed to have stayed stabled. Saturday night was a cosy night on the couch in front of the tellie.

Ryan had woken us twice during the night Saturday night/Sunday morning, and he is such a good sleeper normally, that I was starting to get concerned. His little body felt like it was on fire. His temp had gone through the roof. Made an appt at the local drop in/queue up doctors clinic round the corner. The wait wasn't too bad, only 20 mins. Turns out my precious little man was/is suffering from a bacterial infection in his throat. God I felt so bad, thinking I should have gotten him checked out sooner...blah, blah, blah, the usual beat up mothers give themselves (well I do anyway) when they feel like they have been a bad mother. Anyway we started on the antibiotics yesterday. A known side effect, diarrohea, poor little man.

Michael and I came to the realisation not long after Ryan was born, although I think we knew in our hearts and heads when we bought our home, that one day we would outgrow it. It has been great for the 3 of us, but will be quite cosy for 4, not to mention no back yard for our childrens to grow up and play in. We have been looking for real estate that has 3 b/rooms and study/family room or 4 bedrooms, and a good size block for Ryan and any brothers or sisters that may come his way.

I stumbled across a home while driving to Mum and Dad's Thursday night,so Sunday afternoon Michael and I attended an open inspection. We all fell in love with it, Mum and Dad too. It had that feeling about it, like 'I WAS HOME'...which is the same feeling I had when I first walked into the home I am currently living in. Although I only found it Thursday, it has been on the market 3 weeks,and offers have to be submitted by Wednesday night. Not really enough time to organise anything (or so I thought)

We can only pick 3 faults with this house and they are all reasonably minor, a) no linen press, b) the garage (not the carport, which is the first part of the garage) has no doors on it, they have set it up for entertaining, which is perfect in it's own way too, c) electric hws (in the roof) and electric stove/oven. It is a great size block, the family room although tiny is very cosy, and I felt real comfy sitting in it yesterday. Bedrooms are good sizes and the little sunroom/family room is adorable. Perfect size for a t.v, sewing machine and computer, which is what we wanted. 3 bedrooms and somewhere for the previous mentioned items.

We are having the agent come out and do a quick appraisal on ours tomorrow night,and I have spoken to my mortgage broker and he has told me things can be done in a week. It is scary and exciting. I can't go any further without getting what I need for this place first, but also having the vendor of the property we are interested in accept our offer, they sort of go hand in glove.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Little Boys and Belated Birthdays...

Little Boys...

Well I am wearing my SAHM cap today. Ryan is asleep at the moment having had a belly full of milk and apple/pear puree.

We went for a visit to CYH this morning, it was actually that review appt that was made weeks ago when CC where giving me grief about his development and lack of eating and weight loss. All is good and Ryan would be about a 99% perfect Angel. We just have to get him working on his balance and sitting up more, but apart from that everything seems fine.

Ryan's weight has plateaud slightly, but this happens as solids are introduced and he is expending more energy during the day. I only had him weighed about 2 weeks ago, isn't really a true indication, I will get him weighed again in a month.

Now that he has gotten the hang of eating we can start moving up to big dude food. Within reason (not being too spicy or sugary) there is no reason why Ryan can't be eating pureed what ever we are eating....chicken, fish, steak, mornay's....YAY. Might get me a bit more motivated to cook of an evening again. We can try egg, but only a 1/4 of a teaspoon of egg yolk, in case he reacts to it. Quick handy tip for fish - Grilled fish fingers and then peel crumbing off, instant fish for babies....Mummies love fish fingers too.

Although the afternoons can get a bit testy at times (due to Ryan not sleeping), I am really beginning to enjoy being a one day a week SAHM again. I know there were times where I wished I was back at work. Our little man is growing up into a right little man about town. This first year is going by so quickly I guess because Ryan is changing and developing so much.

Belated Birthdays...

Guess who celebrated their birthday again last night too. Michael didn't get home til late last night, around 9'ish, I had fed Ryan and put him to bed, there was nothing on TV so I cooked up some rice to have with tea and then went and laid down for while. Michael got home and fussed in the kitchen for a little while before coming into to see me.

He came in singing happy birthday with a little bag in his hand. Inside (and this may not sound very exciting) was a packet of photo paper and a repo bottle of perfume, my equal fave scent to Cool Water, Issey Miyake. I love my perfumes, but with money always being an issue we tried and have found the Refan Perfumes to be great. I can't really pick the difference so that is good enough for me.

I had been complaining for a while that ever since we had the digi camera I don't have any pics to show people, cos they are all uploaded onto the computer, where as with the polaroids we would always get the film developed as soon as it was full. What a lovely gesture, he said that he knows I need a lot more paper and will get me more....YAY.

When I got up to go out to the kitchen he had all the lights off and a Mud Cake from Michel's with candles on it too...funnily enough they were trick candles. You would blow them out and they would light again, even Michael didn't realise straight away, but it was so funny and made me smile. So I feel lucky having celebrated my birthday 3 times.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Well I still can't get my head around it. Saturday morning I was given the news that very good friends of ours have come to a point in their lives that they are going through a trial separation.

They have been married 14 years, although things have been a little rocky for the last 3 years, and have two beautiful girls. I know they had been having problems, and the thought had always been there that this day may become reality, but it is such a shock when it does.

I know some of the reasonings behind the break up from both sides of the fence, and this doesn't make it any easier. Especially when one side is slagging off the other. How am I suppose to be supportive of them 'BOTH' when I don't agree with the way he is talking about her 'behind her back' now. I don't know what she is saying to others, only what she has said to me, and it certainly isn't as derogatory as he has been.

I feel sorry for their gorgeous little girls, it has also been affecting them, as it would when children see their parent arguing all the time. Their attitudes and behaviour have changed to so much, I only hope over time they come to understand what is happening, or more to the point why.

I want to be there to support them both, but I just don't know how. They were both there for me in my times of need and loneliness, I just wish I could be there for them, but it is always hard when you are friends with both and don't want to take sides, or worse still be drawn into a situation of taking sides....

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Wild Wild Saturday Night Bash

Well today was the day that saw me turn 35! ...How do I feel? I feel great. I have acheived almost everything I have wanted to by the age of 35. One more little acheivement and I will feel complete. I would have met the man of my dreams and purchased a house with him. Gotten engaged and married and together are raising our darling little son, but there is one more thing I yearn for, another child, a brother or sister for Ryan.

Last night (Saturday night) I celebrated my birthday with a Wild Wild West themed costume party and some of my bestest ( I don't care if the word 'bestest' isn't in the dictionary, and that is coming from a straight 'A' English student) closest friends....YEEHAW!!!

We had spent most of the afternoon at Mum and Dad's where we were hosting the evening, due to the room they have and the fact that they are away anyway. Blowing up balloons and cutting crepe paper, Michael and I breezed through the deco's in not time, watched on by our little son Ryan, sitting in his rocker beside us. He even had his own little balloon to play with.

The backyard had been decorated with hay bails (thanks Rach), banners, cut outs of horseshoes, cactus and cowboy boots (I had been making over the preceeding few weeks), balloons, blue check gingham tablecloths and there was even a sleepy mexican in the corner. We had also set up a card table to look like a poker table. And down under the pergola was to hang my pinata, in the shape of a cactus.

The evening (for me) got off to a rather stressful start, thanks to my DS Ryan not wanting to go to sleep (he is only 8 months old) and my guests having to help me out in the kitchen. I felt like I should have had it all under control, but I didn't. I guess that is one of the joys of parenthood, things don't always go according to plan. I had my DH Michael stressing out at me because I was supppose to be outside entertaining and enjoying myself. Bit hard when you can hear your precious little person from the other end of the house screaming like someone was taking his life. I gave in and went and took my son from his father and manage to settle him within about 10 mins...ah peace at last for us and sleep for him.

Let the celebrations begin, I could now enjoy my guests and my evening. I felt so bad for not being out there with them to begin with, but having such a fantastic group of people with us, they all understood.

Like I said, it was a Wild Wild West themed evening and all my guests looked fantastic. An Indian Chief, A Confederate Soldier, a Cowboy, a Sheriff, two cute Cowgirls and three sassy Saloon Chicks. A small gathering you maybe thinking and you'd be right, but what we lacked in quantity we certainly well and truly made up for in quality and laughter. Everyone went to to much trouble with their costumes, it certainly made my night and raised my spirits, as they had been a little low.

I had been spoilt with very much unexpected gifts too...A 3 pack of Aussie CD's, an Audrey Hepburn Calendar (I absolutely adore Hepburn, I think she is most gorgeous woman ever, so much so if we are blessed with a daughter she will be Audrey-Olivia), a photo of myself and closest girlfriend, and Ryan's godmother, Allie, taken at her Hen's night, A Cowboy Shooter pack (including shot glasses), Shari knows the way to my heart and from Leeanne, a yummy smelling bath pack from the Bodyshop...dont we all just love Bodyshop products. Like Leeanne I also love to indulge in long relaxing baths. So I could quite easily hang Hepburn in the bathroom, while soaking in a lovely bubble bath downing cowboy shots.

I think when you are given gifts that you really love and reflect you it means your friends now you, I mean really know you....if you know what I mean.

God we have so much food and drink, that we will be eating left overs for days. food left overs. But there was one thing missing, a birthday cake. I didn't mind this though although it was bought to attention later in the evening.

I think the highlight for the evening was when we hoisted the pinata up the evening. I had filled this with a mix of chocolates, as I thought these would be appreciated more the toy fillers. We played the proper way with someone pulling on the rope to get it moving up and done and swinging around making it a moving target and harder to hit. It was fantastic. Being blindfolded and spun around a few times and then let loose at it certainly made for some huge laughs and near missed (other peoples heads)

A balmy 31 degree evening made this outdoor celebration just perfect, couldn't complain at all. Great munchies, great music and absolutely FABBO FRIENDS made my birthday one I wont forget.

I feel truly blessed to have such a great bunch of friends in my life, that I know I can always count on to be there, as they can me. Thank you for sharing a Wild Wild evening with me/us. Love you all...


As for how I spent today. Very relaxing, once we had gotten back home. Michael and I stayed at Mum and Dad's last night. Thought this would be easier and make it a lot easier when it came to cleaning up.

Craig stayed down as well, saving himself a rather drunken drive back to Morphett Vale. He was such a doll and helped us clean up after everyone had left last night, that we only had a little to do this morning. Craig wondered off about 9:00am. The house was quiet again, which was nice. I fed Ryan and put him down for a sleep. While I jumped in the shower Michael went outside and finished cleaning up. You almost wouldn't know we had been there.

I think we got home around 12:30pm. God we were feeling so lazy. Thank god the washing machine does all the work and all I had to do was fill it. That was the extent of my energy expenditure. It wasn't until about 4:00pm this afternoon that we realised we hadn't done any groceries, so Michael made a quick dash down to the local shops to pick up a few things to get us through the week.

Michael cooked tea for me, one of my faves, Create a Meal Sweet n Sour Chicken, and he had even bought my fave dessert, Sara Lee Chocolate Pudding. Sadly we were both too full to want dessert. Although the table was set for dinner, I was more than happy to relax on the couch and play catch up with tv we had taped during the week. A nice relaxing night to top of a great weekend.